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5 cubic feet

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Q: How many cubic yards of road bond are in 1 ton?
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How do you convert square yards to tonnage?

To convert square yards to tonnage, you need to know the material's density in pounds per cubic yard. Then, you can multiply the area in square yards by the thickness in yards to get the volume in cubic yards. Finally, multiply the volume by the material's density to get the tonnage.

What is the average weight of 1 cubic yard of road salt?

Road salt can mean many things. Some cities/countries use sodium chloride, some use calcium chloride. Anti-caking agents like sodium ferrocyanide are added to prevent clumping. That said, the weight of a volume of "road salt" be approximated by using using the density of ordinary salt, which is 2.165 grams per cubic centimeter. After dimensional analysis, you get a rough estimate of 3,650 pounds per cubic yard.

Formula for square miles into square yards?

To convert square miles to square yards, multiply the number of square miles by 3,097,600. (1 mile equals 1,760 yards, so 1 square mile = 1760 yards x 1760 yards = 3,097,600 square yards.) I WAS TOLD TO TAKE DISTANCE IN MILES AND MULTIPLY BY WIDTH OF ROAD AND DIVIDE BY NINE FOR EXAMPLE 3 MILES OF A ROAD 18 FEET WIDE WOULD BE 5280 X3 = 15840 X 18 = 285,120 THEN DIVIDE BY 9 = 31,680 SQ. YDS.

How many feet tall is a 53 foot trailer with 1375 cubic feet?

To find the height of the trailer, divide the total volume (1375 cubic feet) by the length (53 feet). Therefore, the height of a 53-foot trailer with a volume of 1375 cubic feet would be approximately 25.94 feet.

What are the units measurement of hardcore filling?

Hardcore filling is a layer of solid material that engineers use to support the foundation and base of a building or road. The units of measurement for hardcore filling are usually tons or cubic meters. A ton is equal to 2,000 pounds, and a cubic meter is the volume of a cube with sides of one meter.

Related questions

40 metric tons of 25mm road base limestone is equal to how many cubic yards?

I do not deal in metric tonnes, but maybe the following will help. We use 25 short tons (2000 lbs per ton) is equal to 19 cubic yards.

What is the weight of 23A road gravel per cubic yard?

It's usually between 130-135 lbs per cubic foot, depending on quarry, etc. etc.Converted to cubic yards (x27) = 3510 - 3645 lbs. per cubic yard

How much gravel needed to make a gravel road 180 yards long x 3 feet wide x4 inches deep?

You will need 20 cubic yards or 25.7 tons of gravel.

How many cubic meters is 40 tons of Road base?


How many tons of road salt in a cubic yard?

No where near 1 ton.

How Road base 1 cubic meter how many ton?

1.60 tons

How many yards of road salt in a ton of road salt?

Yard and ton are very different units; check the spelling.

How may cubic feet are in a ton of road salt?

About 25 cubic feet, or almost one cubic yard. Road salt weighs 80 pounds per cubic foot

How many yards of material does a road 12 thickness by 20' wide by 950' long take?


How do you convert square yards to tonnage?

To convert square yards to tonnage, you need to know the material's density in pounds per cubic yard. Then, you can multiply the area in square yards by the thickness in yards to get the volume in cubic yards. Finally, multiply the volume by the material's density to get the tonnage.

1 cubic meter of road base equals how many ton?

The weight of 1 cubic meter of road base can vary depending on the specific material and density. On average, road base material typically weighs around 1.5 to 2.5 tons per cubic meter. It's recommended to check with your supplier for the exact weight of the road base you are using.

Need to convert 53.33 cubic yards of road base materials to tons?

You have to know what the material weighs per ton. The weight will be different depending on the material used. once you know the weight per ton, Multiply it times 53.33