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What are differeance between particular solution and particular integral?

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Q: What are differeance between particular solution and particular integral?
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State the difference between particular solution and particular integral?

Particular integral is finding what the integral is for example the integral of 2x is x^2 + C. Finding the particular solution would be finding what C equals from the particular integral.

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Where you refer to a particular integral I will assume you mean a definite integral. To illustrate why there is no constant of integration in the result of a definite integral let me take a simple example. Consider the definite integral of 1 from 0 to 1. The antiderivative of this function is x + C, where C is the so-called constant of integration. Now to evaluate the definite integral we calculate the difference between the value of the antiderivative at the upper limit of integration and the value of it at the lower limit of integration: (1 + C) - (0 + C) = 1 The C's cancel out. Furthermore, they will cancel out no matter what the either antiderivatives happen to be or what the limits of integration happen to be.

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there is no diffference, i think...

What do you do if a particular integral you want to evaluate is not listed in the table?

Two main options.Carry out numerical integration - there are various methods - the trapezium method being one of the simpler ones; orfind two integrable functions such that one is greater than the given function and the other is smaller than it. Then your integral will lie between the integrals of these two functions.