Blaise Pascal
abacus Casio made the first graphing calculator in 1985.
made for everyone and first it was made for math teachers and sciences
That was a computer called ENIAC,but first machine was a calculator.
The first calculator ever made cost about $2500, compared to the $12 it costs now. i hope this helps you!
The first calculator was made in Hawaii
I saw the first modern electronic pocket calculator in 1967 when I was attending engineering school at the University of California in Berkeley. It was made by Hewlett-Packard.
the first man was made from God
Blaise Pascal. He made it out of wooden gears.
Made by Charles Babbage and evloved into a calculator
The first mass-produced mechanical calculator was made by Charles Xavier Thomas, around 1920. The first mass-produced electronic calculator was probably the Sharp QT-8D, mass-produced in 1969.