A school would have a large network enterprise. A lot of students and staff members would be trying to use the network from all over the school. A database would be recommended to be in the center of the enterprise for easier access for users.
Scalability and reliabillty of star topology makes it the best, easy to remove or add a device.
Scalability and reliabillty of star topology makes it the best, easy to remove or add a device.
he most commonly used network topology is a hybrid topology called the Star Bus TopologyRead more: http://wiki.answers.com/What_is_network_topology_and_give_an_example_of_the_most_common_network_topology#ixzz1TrCMGlb6
Star topology.
Mesh Topology... though if you use a beefy-enough machine in the middle, a Star topology might work.
star topology
The most common LAN topology is that of a "star." In a star topology, each computer, or "node", is connected to a central hub. This is more reliable than a more classical "ring" topology, because a node failing will not bring down the entire network. A bus topology is arguably more reliable, but has poorer performance.
star topogy