divide the numerator by the denominator
On the measuring side, they would be fractional sizes of each inch. (US measurement)
It is 12.5 mm. A fractional representation does not imply a change in the measurement units. If this is required then you need to specify the units into which the quantity is to be converted.
There is no specific unit of measurement as a decimal - a decimal purely refers to a number in base 10, perhaps with a fractional element.
To write 41 and a half inches, you would write it as 41.5 inches. This is the standard decimal notation for expressing a measurement that includes a fractional value. It is important to include the decimal point to distinguish the whole number part (41) from the fractional part (0.5).
All rational numbers are fractional but all fractional numbers are not rational. For example, pi/2 is fractional but not rational.
fractional notations of 0.85 is
A fractional portion is part of a whole portion
write 18.575 in fractional notation
The fractional notation for 0.3496 is 437/1250
What is the formula for percent fractional error? (Physics)
The fractional notation for 0.13932 is 3483/25000