Suppose we ask the user to enter a range with an upper and lower limit. We would naturally expect the upper limit to be higher in value than the lower limit. If this is not the case, we can either reject the values and ask for new input or we can simply swap them.
if we have an array of unsorted values and we wish to sort them, we need to exchange values. In order to exchange any two values we must swap them.
if two variables are positively related,it means that the two variables change in the same direction.that is,if the value of one of the variables increases,the value of the other variable too will increase.for example,if employment as an economic variable increases in a country,and price of goods too increases then we can say that these two variables(employment and price) are positively related
A perfect complements graph helps to show how two variables are related in a specific way where they must be used together in fixed proportions. This type of graph is significant in understanding how the quantities of the two variables are interdependent and how they affect each other's utility or satisfaction.
Correlation is defined as the degree of relationship between two or more variables. It is also called the simple correlation. The degree of relationship between two or more variables is called multi correlation. when two or more variables are said to be higjly correlated it means that they have a strong relationship such that a given rise or fall in one variable will lead to a direct change in the other variable or variables. good examples of highly correlated variables are price and quantity, wage rate and out put, tax and income.
dichotomous variables
Nothing. Never do that.
It means that you swap the values of that variables EX: -==- before swapping :- Variable1 = 5; variable2 = 10; after swapping :- Variable1 = 10; variable2 = 5;
They are the simplest form of relationship between two variables. Non-linear equations are often converted - by transforming variables - to linear equations.
Swapping means to swap the values of two addresses in main memory.
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int a=2,b=4; printf("Program for swapping two numbers "); printf("Numbers before swapping"); printf("a=%d and b=%d",a,b); a=((a+b)-(b=a)); printf("Numbers after swapping"); printf("a=%d and b=%d",a,b); getch(); }
The major importance of a line graph is that it allows a person to visually see the relationship between two major variables. A line graph contains a vertical axis and a horizontal axis.
include#includevoid main(){int x, y, temp;printf("Enter the value of x and y ");scanf("d", &x, &y);printf("Before Swapping x = %d\ny = %d\n",x,y);temp = x;x = y;y = temp;printf("After Swapping x = %d\ny = %d\n",x,y);getch();return 0;}Do you happen to know what a flow-chart is?
example: x = x-y; y = y-x; x = y-x; <><><> It is not possible to swap two variables without using a temp variable. The code in the answer above, while clever, does not swap the variables. It will exchange the variable values for certain values of x and y, e.g. when x and y are small integers. If x and y are other values, such as strings, pointers, Infinity, NaN (not a number), floating point, or near the limits of the representation (causing over/underflow) then the code will not "swap" the values. <---> Note: there is absolutely no point in swapping two variables without using temopral variable, it's just a typical homework question, already asked here countless times. Another variation: a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b;
You'll need 3 variables for this, here's a pseudo code for swapping values of 2 variables.ALGORITHM SWAPvar1 = 10var2 = 20temp = 0temp = var1 "temp = 10"var1 = var2 "var1 = 20, originally 10"var2 = temp "var2 = 10, originally 20"END SWAP
The two types of variables are the CONSTANT and CONTROL.
Swapping was an older form of memory management. It was moving from/to secondary storage a whole program at a time, in a scheme known as roll-in/roll-out. Now swapping is a fairly close synonym of paging.
An equation with two variables . . . seriously!An equation with one variable can be can be solved, but when there are two variables, you need two equations. This is called a system of two equations in two variables.Three equations in three variables, etc.