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> greater than

< less than

= equal to

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Q: Greater than less than equal show the symbols?
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Five threes do not equal ten, so you can't use symbols to show that.

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You must look at the condition when the expression is greater or equal to zero and the case (condition) when it is less that zero.

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Landmasses , map projections that show the correct size of landmasses are called equal-area maps. In order to show the correct size of the landmasses, the map usually distort shapes . This distortion is usually greater at the edges of the map and less at the center

How do you show less than a number?

You can use arrows to show that one number is less than another: if a is less than b, you can symbolize that as a&lt;b. If a is greater than b, you can write it as a&gt;b.

What quote is Amalie Noether famous for?

"If one proves the equality of two numbers a and b by showing first that "a is less than or equal to b" and then "a is greater than or equal to b", it is unfair, one should instead show that they are really equal by disclosing the inner ground for their equality." My source is linked below.

What symbol is used to show one thing is greater than and another less than?

10&gt;9; 10 is greater (&gt;) rhan nine 9&lt;10; 9 is less (&lt;) than ten

How do you show 43 is greater than 34 using a greater or less than symbol?

43 &gt; 34 (The bigger side of the symbol points to the bigger number.)

Which symbol i may use to show one thing is greater than and another less than?

X&gt;Y, Means X is greater than Y, Y&gt;X Means Y is greater, Ok.

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Is 24.3 less than or greater than 24.30?

24.30 can be written as 24.3 without losing or altering its value since zeros at the end after a decimal point have really no value (except to show precision). So the two are equal. Note that zeros at the end but before a decimal point do have value

What is the less than sign used for?

The less than sign is used to show one item is less equal that another item. For example four is less than six and is written as 4

Is it possible to list every number in the solution set of an inequality?

It is but you only need to do the greater than, equal to, or less than signs to show what the possible solutions are such as: X &gt; 6 or X = 6 or X &lt; 6 Unless you are told otherwise by a teacher or professor.