Prophase is the first active step in cell division.
It is called long division because you write down all the numbers for each step to solve the problem and for large numbers there is a lot of writing down. There is a technique called short division which is similar but is more mental, not requiring all the long division steps. But it is usually done only when you are dividing by a small number less than 10, so it is not that useful.
Arrange terms in both in decreasing order based on the exponents. Use the algorith for long division. This is just like long division. Step 1. Divide 1st term into 1st term, (place answer above division line). Step 2. Multiply that answer by all terms in the divisor, (place this result below the polynomial inside the division bar) Step 3. Subtract like terms (answer goes down 1 line) and bring down another term to continue. Repeat: Step 1. Divide 1st term into new 1st term. etc
long division is division that is of course long.
How to solve long division problem:When dividing two numbers, the dividend and divisor; the answer is the quotient.Make note of where decimal points is in the dividend and divisor.Simplify the long division problem by moving the decimals of the divisor and dividend by the same number of decimal places.Keep the numbers lined up straight from top to bottom.After each step, be sure the remainder for that step is less than the divisor. If it is not, there is a problem - check your math.In the end, any left over is called the remainder
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Yep, to do long division the box is called a division bracket.
When do you use long division?You use long division when the number you are dividing is too big to do in your head or use short division.
4312 long division by ... I need a divisor.
You can practice your long division on the long division worksheets when you visit the ldivision site. They have many to choose from and you are allowed to print them out.
The long division box is called a "division bracket" or a "division bar." It is used to separate the dividend from the divisor in the long division process. The division bracket helps to organize the numbers and steps involved in dividing one number by another.