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As with most advanced math, whether you'll actually use this in "real life" depends on whether you work in engineering or science, or not. You won't have much need for advanced math if you work, say, as a hair stylist, a dentist, or a teacher of non-science subjects.

Some uses of vectors (in engineering applications) include:

Forces: calculate a resultant force, calculate conditions for equilibrium.

Torques: calculate conditions for equilibrium.

Momentum: calculations involving collisions.

Electricity: add AC currents or voltages in series (requires complex numbers, which can be considered a type of vector); similarly, do calculations of AC currents or voltages in parallel.

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Q: What are ten examples of applying vectors to real life situations?
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What are unit vectors used for in real life?

In real life unit vectors are used for directions, e.g east, north and up(zenith). The unit vector specifies the direction. Gyroscopes maintain a direction and keep things level. Whenever and where ever location is important, unit vectors are a part of real life. Whenever directions are important in your real life, then unit vectors are important. If everything was confined to move along a straight line, then unit vectors would not be important. If you can move in a plane, then unit vectors are important. Moving in space, unit vectors are more important. cars, ships and planes all move in space. Controlling and tracking these all involve unit vectors.

When do we use vector algebra in daily life?

In real life unit vectors are used for directions, e.g east, north and up. The unit vector specifies the direction. Gyroscopes maintain a direction and keep things level. Whenever and where ever location is important, unit vectors are a part of real life. Whenever directions are important in your real life, then unit vectors are important. If everything was confined to move along a straight line, then unit vectors would not be important. If you can move in a plane, then unit vectors are important. Moving in space, unit vectors are more important. cars, ships and planes all move in space. Controlling and tracking these all involve unit vectors.