i give up i have been asking this question for 9 years
a unlike fraction is where you have two or more fractions and the denominators are all different
unlike denominators: the bottom number of a fraction. to have unlike denominators you must have two fractions with a different number on the bottom of each fraction.
Unlike or dissimilar fraction.
Any fraction whose denominator is not 12.
3/4 and 5/12
Like fractions have the same denominators (bottom part of fraction), unlike fractions do not.
The answer depends on what he wants to (or needs to) do with it!
The simplest way is to convert them to like fractions, or percentages.
In most cases you cannot since the square root is an irrational number, unlike a fraction which is rational.
The definition is a different denominator in a fraction
When adding two or more unlike fractions, yes.
The denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. Fractions like 1/3 and 1/4 have different numbers on the bottom. Those are unlike denominators.