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The highest power of 25 that divides the product of the first 100 multiples of 5 is 50. This is because for each multiple of 25, we have an extra factor of 25. Since there are 4 multiples of 25 in the first 100 multiples of 5, we have a total of 50 factors of 25.

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Q: What is the highest power of 25 that divides the product of the first 100 multiples of 5?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of product differentiation?

Advantages of product differentiation include creating a unique selling proposition, building brand loyalty, and allowing for higher pricing potential. However, it can also increase production costs, make it challenging to meet changing consumer preferences, and intensify competition in the market.

What is Progressive Elaboration?

Progressive elaboration is the process of continuously refining and adding detail to a project or plan as more information becomes available. It allows for flexibility and adaptation as the project evolves, ensuring that the most up-to-date information is used to make decisions and improvements.

Does magna cum laude mean you are number one in your class?

No, magna cum laude typically indicates that a student has achieved high academic honors, but it does not necessarily mean they are ranked first in their class. It is a Latin term used to recognize students who have achieved a high grade point average.

In which state wereThe first kindergarten and vocational schools developed?

The first kindergarten was developed in Germany, and the first vocational schools were developed in the United States.

Selling Vs Marketing?

In general we use 'marketing' and 'selling' as synonyms but there is a substantial difference between both the concepts. It is necessary to understand the differences between them for a successful marketing manager. Selling has a prod¬uct focus and mostly producer driven. It is the action part of marketing only and has short - term goal of achieving market share. The emphasis is on price variation for closing the sale where the objective can be stated, as "I must somehow sell the product". This short - term focus does not consider a prudential planning for building up the brand in the market place and winning competi¬tive advantage through a high loyal set of cus¬tomers. The end means of any sales activity is maximizing profits through sales maximization.When the focus is on selling, the businessman thinks that after production has been completed the task of the sales force starts. It is also the task of the sales department to sell whatever the production department has manufactured. Ag¬gressive sales methods are justified to meet this goal and customer's actual needs and satisfaction are taken for granted. Selling converts the product in to cash for the company in the short run.Marketing as a concept and approach is much wider than selling and is also dynamic as the fo¬cus is on the customer rather than the product. While selling revolves around the needs and in¬terest of the manufacturer or marketer, market¬ing revolves around that of consumer. It is the whole process of meeting and satisfying the needs of the consumer.Marketing consists of all those activities that are associated with product planning,pricing, promoting and distributing the product or service. The task commences with identifying consumer needs and does not end till feedback on consumer sat-isfaction from the consumption of the product is received. It is a long chain of activity, which comprises production, packing, promotion, pricing, distribution and then the selling. Consumer needs become the guiding force behind all these activities. Profits are not ignored but they are built up on a long run basis. Mind share is more important than market share in Marketing.According to Prof. Theodore Levitt 'The difference between selling and marketing is more than semantic. A truly marketing minded firm tries to create value satisfying goods and services which the consumers will want to buy. What is offers for sale is determined not by the seller but by the buyers. The seller takes his cues from the buyer and the product becomes the consequence of the marketing effort, not vice versa. Selling merely concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting the customers to exchange their cash for the company's products, it does not bother about the value satisfaction that the exchange is all about. On the contrary, marketing views the en¬tire business as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse ad satisfy customer needs'.SELLING1 Emphasis is on the product2 Company Manufactures the product first3 Management is sales volume oriented4 Planning is short-run-oriented in terms of today's products and markets5 Stresses needs of seller6 Views business as a good producing process7 Emphasis on staying with existing technology and reducing costs8 Different departments work as in a highly separate water tight compartments9 Cost determines Price10 Selling views customer as a last link in businessMARKETING1 Emphasis on consumer needs wants2 Company first determines customers needs and wants and then decides out how to deliver a product to satisfy these wants3 Management is profit oriented4 Planning is long-run-oriented in today's products and terms of new products, tomorrow's markets and future growth5 Stresses needs and wants of buyers6 Views business as consumer producing process sat¬isfying process7 Emphasis on innovation on every existing technol¬ogy and reducing every sphere, on providing better costs value to the customer by adopting a superior technology8 All departments of the business integrated manner, the sole purpose being generation of consumer satisfaction9. Consumer determine price, price determines cost10. Marketing views the customer last link in business as the very purpose of the business

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