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Watts = Amps x Volts x Power Factor

You can't answer your question because watts and amps are two different things. Watts is a measure of power and amps measures current flow.

Additional informationPower factor refers to the efficiency of an electrical device. Power factors can have a value of between 0 and 1, with 1 representing perfect efficiency of an electric motor or similar device. In most applications, power factor is ignored and assumed to be 1.

Using the above formula, you can see that 12 amps at 1 volt would be only 12 watts, while 12 amps at 120 volts would be 1440 watts.

Given this information, you should be able to calculate the answer in your circumstance.

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Q: What is more powerful 1000 watts or 12 amps?
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Are electric baseboard heaters efficient?

Amps and Watts measure different things. An Amp is a measure of electrical current and a Watt is a measure of Power. Which ever device draws the higher amperage will be the one that uses more electricity! Hence the 240 watt heater draw less amps even though it uses more watts: Volts Watts/Electical Current Amps/Power example heater 240 volt draws 2000/1000 watts - but uses 8.3/4.2 amps example heater 120 volt draws 1500/750 watts - but uses 12.5/6.3 amps

Will 20 amps handle 3500 watts?

No. 20 amps at 120 volts will handle a maximum of 2400 watts. And you should never continuously load a 20 amp 120 volt circuit to no more than 1920 watts.

How many amps will a 4300 watt generator produce?

36.6 amps maximum at 120 volts, but should not be loaded to over 29 amps. At 240 volts it will produce a maximum of 18.3 amps but never loaded to any more than 14.6 amps.

What size generator 1200 amps?

First you need to specify what voltage you require the generator to supply...Lets Assume its 240 Volts AC. Watts=Volts x Amps so 240x1200= 28.8 Kw. Then you have to take the efficiency of the generator into account. Mechanical power in is usually quite a bit more than the electrical power you get out...The difference is mostly the mechanical and thermal losses added together. If we say the generator is 70% efficient then you will need a generator 30% more powerful to supply a constant 1200 Amps...Thats a generator of about 38-40 Kw.

How do you abbreviate electrical?

P = Power (Watts) E = Electrical Potential (Volts) I = Current (Amps) A = Amperage or Amps V = Volts R = Resistance (Ohms) C = Capacitance (Farads) F = Farad Hz = Hertz (cycles per second) kHz = kilo Hertz (1000 Hertz) MHz = Megahertz (1,000,000 Hertz) GHz - Gigahertz (1,000,000,000 Hertz) There are many more but this is a start

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How powerful is a bolt?

it can be more that 1000 watts (strong enough to kill you!)

How powerful is bolt?

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Single phase 220 volts 2.6 kW how many amps?

You cannot convert 2.6 kw to amps with that information only. In order to convert watts to amps, you also need to know either current or voltage. This is because watts is volts times amps, and volts is current times resistance

Convert 6800 watts to kva?

There are a few components missing from your question. I need to know either the voltage or the amperage and the power factor. For single phase, the formula for Kilowatts is Amps x Volts x pf/1000. The formula for Kilovolt-Amperes is Amps x Volts/1000. As you can see more info is needed.

How many amps is a 1000 watt microwave oven draw It is a 120 volt?

When the manufacturers refer to a 1000 watt oven they usually mean heat into food. The efficiency of ovens vary but it is quite common that a 1000 watt would consume 2000 watts from the mains. Watts = Amps X Volts so at 120V this would be 16.67 amps. But to be more accurate you need to find the actual input power of the oven.

Are electric baseboard heaters efficient?

Amps and Watts measure different things. An Amp is a measure of electrical current and a Watt is a measure of Power. Which ever device draws the higher amperage will be the one that uses more electricity! Hence the 240 watt heater draw less amps even though it uses more watts: Volts Watts/Electical Current Amps/Power example heater 240 volt draws 2000/1000 watts - but uses 8.3/4.2 amps example heater 120 volt draws 1500/750 watts - but uses 12.5/6.3 amps

How much watts dose concert light take?

Lights range from 300 to 1000 watts and there can be hundreds of them. Amps are rated by watts and they are useing many of these at a time. A concert probably uses more power than a very large house does in a year.

How much current does 1000 watts operated over 240 volts have?

1000 W in a 240 V circuit would have a bit more than 4 Amps. (1000 / 240 = 4.16 Amps). In the US, 240 V circuits are most often used for appliances above about 1,500 W.

How do you convert watts into amperes?

To convert watts into amperes you divide the circuit voltage into the watts. Amps = Watts/Volts. <<>> Converting Watts to Amps The conversion of Watts to Amps is governed by the equation Amps = Watts/Volts For example 12 watts/12 volts = 1 amp Converting Amps to Watts The conversion of Amps to Watts is governed by the equation Watts = Amps x Volts For example 1 amp * 110 volts = 110 watts Converting Watts to Volts The conversion of Watts to Volts is governed by the equation Volts = Watts/Amps For example 100 watts/10 amps = 10 volts Converting Volts to Watts The conversion of Volts to Watts is governed by the equation Watts = Amps x Volts For example 1.5 amps * 12 volts = 18 watts Converting Volts to Amps at fixed wattage The conversion of Volts to Amps is governed by the equations Amps = Watts/Volts For example 120 watts/110 volts = 1.09 amps Converting Amps to Volts at fixed wattage The conversion of Amps to Volts is governed by the equation Volts = Watts/Amps For Example, 48 watts / 12 Amps = 4 Volts Explanation Amps are how many electrons flow past a certain point per second. Volts is a measure of how much force that each electron is under. Think of water in a hose. A gallon a minute (think amps) just dribbles out if it is under low pressure (think low voltage). But if you restrict the end of the hose, letting the pressure build up, the water can have more power (like watts), even though it is still only one gallon a minute. In fact the power can grow enormous as the pressure builds, to the point that a water knife can cut a sheet of glass. In the same manner as the voltage is increased a small amount of current can turn into a lot of watts.

What consumes more energy 1000 watts or 1400 watts?

1400 watts.

How do you convert 440 Amps to KVA for three phase system?

You must rephrase your question to make it more specific. <<>> The formula to use to find KVA in a three phase system is, KVA = Amps x Volts x 1.73/1000.

How much more electric will you use with a 1000amp motor vs a 750 amp motor?

Assuming the same voltage and power factor for the two motors. Watts = Volts x Amps x PF so the power of 1000 A motor is Watts = 1000 x V x PF and the 750 A motor is Watts = 750 x V x PF. So (Watts for 1000A) / (Watts for 750A) = 1.33 This means the 1000 A motor uses about 33% more electricity than the 750 A motor.