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A number is a Prime number if it is divisible by only 1 and itself. So make use of for loop and check for this condition.

int i,num,flag = 0;//num is the number to check

scanf("%d", &num);

for( i=2; i

if( num%i == 0)//it has other divisors

flag = 1;


if( !flag)

printf("The number is prime\n");


printf("The number is not prime\n");

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11y ago
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11y ago


void main()


int n = 0, i = 3, count = 0, loop = 0;

printf("Enter the number of prime numbers required\n");


if ( n >= 1 )


printf("First %d prime numbers are :\n",n);



for ( count = 2 ; count <= n ; )


for ( loop = 2 ; loop <= i - 1 ; loop++ )


if ( i%loop i )








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15y ago

int isprime(int n) { int t; if ((int) (n/2) * 2 == n) return 0; /* number is even - return false */ for (t=3; t*t<n; t+=2) if ((int) (n/t) * t == n) return 0; /* divisible - return false */ return 1; /* prime - return true */ }

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8y ago

#include<iostream> #include<cmath>

bool is_odd (const unsigned num) {

return num & 1 == 1;


bool is_even (const unsigned num) {

return is_odd (num) == false;


bool is_prime (const unsigned num) {

if (num<2) return false;

if (is_even (num) == true) return num==2; // 2 is the only even prime

const unsigned max = (unsigned) sqrt (num) + 1;

unsigned div;

for (div=3; div<max; div+=2) {

if (num%div == 0) return false;


return true;


int main (void) {

std::cout << "Enter a whole number: ";

std::cin >> num;

if (is_even (abs (num)) {

std::cout << "The number is even\n";


std::cout << "The number is odd\n";


if (is_prime (abs (num)) {

std::cout << "The number is prime\n";


std::cout << "The number is composite\n";



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Yes, do write, or if you're too lazy to your homework, use google.

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By learning how to program on C+.

What is the Program for composite and prime numbers in c?

#include&lt;iostream.h&gt; #include&lt;conio.h&gt; int main() { int i,n; clrscr(); cout&lt;&lt;"PROGRAM TO CHECK IF THE NUMBER IS PRIME OR NOT:"&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Enter a number:"; cin&gt;&gt;n; for(int i=2;i&lt;n;i++) { if(n%i==0) cout&lt;&lt;"\nTHE NUMBER IS COMPOSITE"&lt;&lt;endl; else cout&lt;&lt;"\nTHE NUMBER IS PRIME"&lt;&lt;endl; } return 0; }

A program to find that the input number is prime or not?

Use Wolfram|Alpha... go to the related link below, Wolfram|Alpha, and type in (is __ (number) prime) and then the program will compute that and tell you if it is prime or composite.

How can you check whether a number is prime or not by a C program using functions?

#include&lt;iostream.h&gt; #include&lt;conio.h&gt; void prime(int n) { clrscr(); int num; cout&lt;&lt;"enter the numbers"&lt;&lt;endl; cin&gt;&gt;num; prime(num); getch(); } void prime(int n) { int prime=1,i; for(i=2;i&lt;=n/2;i++) if(n%i==1) prime=0; if(prime==1) cout&lt;&lt;"the number"&lt;&lt;n&gt;&gt;"is prime"; else cout&lt;&lt;"the number"&lt;&lt;n&lt;&lt;"is not prime"; }

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When you multiply a prime and a composite number do you always get a composite number?

Product of a prime number and a composite number results in a composite number.Now consider the product of a composite number(a) and a prime number(b) is equal to c.i.e. c = a x bIt is clear that c is divisible by both a and b.Also c is divisible by itself and 1, this means that c has more than two factors.A number having more than two factors is composite, therefore product of a prime number and a composite number results in a composite number.