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It is not at all abnormal for an engineer to be good at math but bad at writing because one who is good at math tends to do problems in his own less time consuming way. In this process he deviates from his good writing skills (if he has any), to reach the solution

However it is extraordinary for an engineer to be both good at math and writing and abnormal for being bad at both!

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11y ago
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11y ago

You could but you would not be a good engineer.

Engineer need to sell themselves and their ideas to their potential customers; they may need to explain to other members of the design team what their requirements are; to plan collaboratively so that members of the team are coordinated in their efforts. Good communication skills are essential for these activities.

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10y ago

Pretty high, a lot of engineers only know the numbers and don't know how to convey it in a way the boss understands, which is also acceptable into the industry. In addition, there are also more non-engineers than engineers

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10y ago

I would say that it is common for engineers to struggle with writing. Classes and practice can go a long way toward improving your writing skills.

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No, it's quite common because projecting yourself to the audience is very difficult and you must assume they have an education level of a 13 year old.

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10y ago

No. many people are not very good at writing but have successful careers in engineering

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Q: Can you be an engineer if you are good at math but a bad writer?
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Can you still be an engineer if you are good at math but a bad writer?


Is it true that if you are good at math but a bad essay writer you will do badly in engineering and never allowed to work as an engineer?

If you'll complete your engineering course, let the "bad essay writer" aside, and go ahead. It is not mandatory to be a good writer in order to become an engineer.However, you need to master your native language.

Is engineering for students who are good at math but bad at essay writing in general?

It sure helps if you're good at arriving at precise calculations. However, being "bad at essay writing" is not a benefit; it may be less of a detriment in engineering than in, say, English, but it's possible to be an engineer and a good writer.

Is it a learning disability if you are good at math but a bad essay writer?

No. It probably just means you're lazy,

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at programming and writing papers and essays you will fail engineering?

In my opinion, it is not TRUE. Engineering courses have more Math subjects than English or Communication subjects. So if you're good in Math, you will be a good engineer someday.

Is it true that if you are a math expert but bad at essay writing you are forbidden to work as an engineer?

yes you are to work as a engineer No. You would not be forbidden to work as an engineer. There might be greater opportunities open to you if you were good at essay writing, but it is not essential.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at essays you will fail science and engineering?

Not necessarily. Math is the language of science, rather than writing. Being a good writer may help, but being strong in the math section is more important. If you understand the math portion, there is no way you can fail

Are you bad at engineering if you are not good at writing papers?

Engineering is generally a problem solving profession with math skills. To become a professional engineer, though, the advancement in the field may require writing skills.

Is it possible for a person who is good at math but a bad programmer to still be an engineer or physicist?

It is, it will just be harder. So you might have to put extra work to achieve the same result as someone who has a stronger math/physics/chemistry background.The more you know about math, the more you can focus on the actual concept of engineering.

Is engineering for people who are good at math bad at writing and programming?

Sometimes, it isn't quite about what you are good or bad at to decide what to do or be. Even if you are good at math, it might not mean you like doing ALL math related things. Being bad at writing and programming also does not mean you will not like something that has either writing or programming. Although it is true you will tend to enjoy what you are good at since it will be easier for you to complete tasks about it, the choice is still yours. If it is for studies, you could consider on the prospects in the future. The job availability of what you study and how easy it is for you to find jobs after graduation should be something under consideration as well. You do not necessarily have to be good at writing to be a good engineer. Eventually, however, as an engineer, you will very likely be expected to explain your engineering to someone who doesn't understand the field, and being bad at writing will make such explanations a challenge. The best way to improve your writing skills is to A) take more writing courses than are required for graduation, and B) write as much as possible - essays, papers, articles, etc. Never resign yourself to being a bad writer. If you think or know you are, do what is necessary to remedy the situation.

What majors can you do if you are good at math but bad at essay writing?

Math is good for science and engineering of any type.

Are you bad at physics if you are good at mathematics?

No. A lot of physic has to do with equations and math. Physics will be easier if you are good at math. I was for me :)