Horizantal gel electrophoresis is generally used for RNA/DNA based studies, while vertical gel electrophoresis is used for protein based studies.
A P trap exits horizontal from the back of the toilet and a S trap exits vertical from the bottom of the toilet.
On a pedestal drill the workpiece is static and the drill is in a vertical position and rotates. On a lathe the workpiece rotates but not the drill, and the drill is in a horizontal position.
Rulings are the vertical and horizontal lines inside a table, so excluding the outer border. Spacing can relate to space between the content of a cell and the edge of a cell or the space between each cell and other cells.
what is th different between end suction pump and singl stage pump and multistage pump
A "horizontal maching center" has a horizontal spindle. With a horizontal spindle, tools stick out the side of the tool holder and cut across the side of a part (workpiece). Horizontal machining centers are far more expensive than equivalent capacity vertical machines, but have several advantages. Usually the tool holder of a horizontal machine is more ridgid. Also,when machining the side of a part, metal chips fall out of the area being cut, leaving an uncluttered cutting area.A "vertical machining center" has a vertical spindle. With a vertical spindle, tools stick straight down from the tool holder, and often cut across the top of a part. One disadvantage of vertical machining is that when tools cut across the top of a part, the metal shavings, called "chips," often pile up around the tool and interfere with the cutting action. However, vertical machining centers are more common, primarily because they are less expensive than equivalent capacity horizontal machines.
what is the difference between vertical and horizontal timeline
explain the difference berween vertical and horizontal system packages?
horizontal grows wide, and vertical grows up
vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.
In TextAlign, the difference between vertical and horizontal alignment is which way you align something. Horizontal alignment is set by aligning to the center, right, or left and vertical alignment is set by aligning to the top, bottom, or middle of a cell.
XXXXXXXXX=Horizontal X X X X X X X=Vertical.
Rows are horizontal and columns are vertical.
vertical is strait up and down and horizontal is across (strait across)
Vertical is up and down and horizontal is side to side. Think of the horizon, it is a line and horizontal has the same root. In fact, one definition of horizontal is parallel to or in the plane of the horizon.
Vertical engines produce more power than horizontal engines and horizontal engine has less power than vertical engines and horizontal engines are especially designed for better mileage Not sure about mileage but the big difference is vertical shaft goes like this | and the horizontal shaft goes like this ---- . > Lower centre of gravity.
vertical is top to bottom(parallel to Y axis). horizontal is left to right(parallel to X axis).
Horizontal curve is a curve viewed in the x and y plane, while a vertical curve is viewed in the y plane only, or viewed from the side. Think of it like a cake. the top is the horizontal and the front is the vertical