

Evaluate limit x tends to 0 sinx x?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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The limit as x approaches zero of sin(x) over x can be determined using the squeeze theorem.

For 0 < x < pi/2, sin(x) < x < tan(x)

Divide by sin(x), and you get 1 < x/sin(x) < tan(x)/sin(x)

That is the same as 1 < x/sin(x) < 1/cos(x)

But the limit as x approaches zero of 1/cos(x) is 1,

so 1 < x/sin(x) < 1

which means that the limit as x approaches zero of x over sin(x) is 1, and that also means the inverse; the limit as x approaches zero of sin(x) over x is 1.

You can also solve this using deriviatives...

The deriviative d/dxx is 1, at all points. The deriviative d/dxsin(x) at x=0 is also 1.

This means you have the division of two functions, sin(x) and x, at a point where their slope is the same, so the limit reduces to 1 over 1, which is 1.

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