Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is a set of coding systems for storing decimal digits in binary code. There are several such codes, I will give examples of 3: straight BCD, XS3 BCD, and 2 of 5 BCD.
Straight BCD uses the actual binary value of the decimal digit value:
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
XS3 BCD adds 3 to the binary value of the decimal digit value to make the code:
0 = 0011
1 = 0100
2 = 0101
3 = 0110
4 = 0111
5 = 1000
6 = 1001
7 = 1010
8 = 1011
9 = 1100
2 of 5 BCD uses a 5 bit code where only 2 bits can be on in a decimal digit's code:
0 = 00011
1 = 11000
2 = 10100
3 = 10010
4 = 10001
5 = 01100
6 = 01010
7 = 01001
8 = 00110
9 = 00101
BCD uses binary digits as if they were decimal digits. There are two BCD numbers per one 8-bit byte. For example, 23 decimal would be coded as 0010 0011, while in binary (not BDC), it would be 0001 0111. Similarly, 255 in BCD is 0000 0010 0101 0101, while in binary, it would b simply 1111 1111. As you can see, BCD is not as compact as binary, but it does have mathematical and software properties that makes it desirable (some games use BDC to store a "score", for example, because it takes fewer CPU cycles to display a BCD than a binary number).
All I know is that when a number is negative, you convert the decimal into binary and if it is negative you put 1111 before the binary digits.
Design a logic circuit that converts a four digit binary input to equivalent Binary Coded Decimal value. You need to first create the truth table (please note this circuit should have four input bits, but five output bits; for example, for an input 1001 (decimal 9) the suggested output will be 0 1001 (the BCD value 0 9); and for an input 1010 (decimal 10) the suggested output should be 1 0000 (the BCD value 1 0 )). After creating the truth table design the Boolean expressions for each of the five output bits. Draw the resulting circuit diagram using AND - OR - NOT gates.
There is no such thing as extendible (sic) binary code. However, there are two known variants: eXtendable Binary (XB) is a universal file format used for serialising binary trees. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) was an 8-bit character encoding used by IBM in the 1960's. It's a non-standard encoding that was used by IBM prior to them switching to ASCII peripherals.
A: First you need a object detector that give out a pulse per each. That becomes the clock for any the input to a counter that will count up in binary coded decimal and of these there are many to choose from. Eventually it will fill up and starts over unless there is a reset along the time of counting. that is the basic.
A binary number system has two states '0' '1' for a long word in bits it can be as follows 101010101010101010101011 intimidating RIGHT? it can be represented in groups of 3 bits in octal 10/010/101/010/101/010/101/011= 22525253 digital or in group of 4 bits as 10/1010/1010/1010/1010/1010 = 2AAAAA 111 =7 octal 1111=f F in hexadecimal numbers 1000 =8 1010 =10 or A
69 in decimal = 1000101 in binary.
not the same
Binary coded decimal (BCD) is easier to convert between displayed or printed form than is pure binary.
It is decimal 35.
79 = 1001111
Binary coded decimal. Each decimal digit is represented by its binary equivalent.
429 = 110101101
binary-coded decimal
39 = 100111
extended binary coded decimal interchange code