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tn = t1+(n-1)d -- for arithmetic

tn = t1rn-1 -- for geometric

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Q: How do you find the nth number in a sequence?
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How is nusselt number related to prandtl number in heat transfer?

The Nusselt number is proportional to the Prandtl number to the nth power, where n is a positive number less than one.

What would you typically find in a caption?

A brief description allowing the reader to identify the image and its significance, and a figure number correlating to the sequence of images in the book

Find Nth harmonic number using recursion?

Type this into Dev-C++ and run it. You will be able to find whatever harmonic number you want. This may not be perfect because I wrote it in about 10 minutes, but I think it works just fine. Good luck!#include double seq(double x);double seq(double x) {double temp=0;if (x==0)return 0;return 1/x + seq(x-1);}int main() {double x, y;while (x != 0) {printf("Please enter a number:\n");scanf("%lf", &x);y = seq(x);printf("The sequence of that number is: %lf\n", y);}system("PAUSE");return 0;}

How do you compute the nth Fibonacci number using VBScript?

<html> <body> <script type="text/vbscript"> Dim a, b, c, n, nth a = 0 b = 1 n = Cint(InputBox("Enter the value of ""n""")) For nth = 1 to n Step 1 Document.Write(b&"<br/>") c = a + b a = b b = c Next </script> </body> </html>

How do you check whether a given number n is a Fibonacci number or not?

In a Fibonacci sequence, sum of two successive terms gives the third term.... here is the Fibonacci sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144........ General formula to generate a Fibonacci sequence is """Fn= Fn-1 + Fn-2""" To check whether a number is Fibonacci or not follow the following steps: 1) Get the number as input from user. 2) Fix the first two numbers of sequence as 0 and 1. 3) put a sentinel loop with upper limit being the input number. 4)in the body of loop generate the next number in sequence in each iteration and continue swapping the values as follows: a=0 b=1 next=a+b while (next< input) a=b b=next next=a+b wend 5) lastly when program exits the loop compare the last number of sequence with the input number if they are equal then number is Fibonacci otherwise not. otherwise the last term of sequence will be less than the input number.

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Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.

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what? Assuming you wanted an algorithm to find the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence: double Fib(int i) { double x = 1; double y = 1; if (i

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a nth term in a sequence is more easy then u think first find a sequence lets say like 1,5,9,13,17 all u do is find what you add to the number to get the next and to make sure its right all the way through just do the last one so this sequence is add 4 simple

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