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The largest decimal number with 25 digits is 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.

The smallest decimal number in the form 2n-1 which is greater than or equal to that is 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,815. That corresponds to 284-1.

So, the minimum number of binary bits required to represent the decimal number 25 nines in a row is 84. This is 84 ones in a row. If you want to support negative as well as positive numbers, you will need 85.

Since the largest integer in most compilers is 64 bits, this will require a special library supporting 128 bits, or an arbitrary length decimal library, if you want to manipulate such large numbers in a computer and still retain the precision of an integer.

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Q: If a decimal number has 25 digits then how many bits are required for binary representation?
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How do you represent a negative number in Binary Coded Decimal?

All I know is that when a number is negative, you convert the decimal into binary and if it is negative you put 1111 before the binary digits.

What is the advantages of binary digits over the decimal?

Computers do not understand decimal notation. All information (both instructions and data) must be converted to a binary representation before the machine can understand it. We use the symbols 0 and 1 (binary notation) but the machine has a variety of physical representations it can use to encode binary data, including transistors, flux transitions, on/off switches and so on.

How many bits are required in decimal numbers in range 0 to 999 using Straight binary code and BCD code?

10 bits would be required. 10 bits long (10 digits long) can represent up to 1024.

What is the 4-binary number assoiated with the hexadecimal symbol C?

0xc = 1100 Hexadecimal digits use exactly 4 binary digits (bits). The 0x0 to 0xf of hexadecimal map to 0000 to 1111 of binary. Thinking of the hexadecimal digits as decimal numbers, ie 0x0 to 0x9 are 0 to 9 and 0xa to 0xf are 10 to 15, helps with the conversion to binary: 0xc is 12 decimal which is 8 + 4 → 1100 in [4 bit] binary.

Why is it easier to convert numbers from binary to hexadecimal than decimal to hexadecimal?

A binary number system has two states '0' '1' for a long word in bits it can be as follows 101010101010101010101011 intimidating RIGHT? it can be represented in groups of 3 bits in octal 10/010/101/010/101/010/101/011= 22525253 digital or in group of 4 bits as 10/1010/1010/1010/1010/1010 = 2AAAAA 111 =7 octal 1111=f F in hexadecimal numbers 1000 =8 1010 =10 or A

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How many binary digits would be required to represent the decimal number 1000 in the binary number system?

10 digits.

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The decimal representation of numbers is shorter. Binary number require approx 3.3 times as many digits.

How many binary digits are required to count to decimal 100?

7 digits

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The largest decimal number is binary 11111, which is decimal 31.

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56 in binary is 111000. Unlike the decimal number system where we use the digits.

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It is a decimal representation where, after a finite number of digits, all subsequent digits are 0 [or of them all 9].

How many binary digits are required to count to decimal 15?

Assuming you start from 0, you need at least 4 bits. 15 in binary: 15 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 1111₂

How many digits does it take to represent the decimal number 81 in binary?

It takes 7 digits.

How do you represent a negative number in Binary Coded Decimal?

All I know is that when a number is negative, you convert the decimal into binary and if it is negative you put 1111 before the binary digits.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary code decimal?

Advantage of binary over decimal: information can be recorded and stored in any dichotomous variable: magnetised or not magnetised (most electronic media), pit or no pit (optoelectronic media CDs/DVDs). For decimal it would be necessary to store as 10 different levels of magnetisation or depths of pits. Not so easy to make such a system error-free. Advantage of decimal over binary: fewer "digits" required. Every ten binary digits (1024 values) can be replaced by just a shade more than three decimal digits (1000 values). So the number of digits to be stored is less than a third.

Why do people use decimal instead of binary?

We have ten fingers (including thumbs) and early counting is based on one-to-one mapping onto these digits. So one reason is simple familiarity. The other advantage of counting in decimals is that fewer digits are required: 4 decimal digits takes you to over a thousand, you would need 10 binary digits to go over 1024. It gets worse with larger numbers: 7 decimal digits to go over a million but 20 binary digit. I have phones with 11 digit numbers (without the international country code). In binary, that would be a 33-digit number. No thanks!

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