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There is a more complex formula that cannot be printed here, but for the sake of simplicity, you can consider the period T to be proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum L. If L is halved, then T2 is proportional to the square root of 1/2, or approximately 0.707 times T1.

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Q: If the length of a simple pendulum is halved then what will be its new time period?
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A simple 2.80 m long pendulum oscillates in a location where g9.80ms2 how many complete oscillations dopes this pendulum make in 6 minutes?

Answering "A simple 2.80 m long pendulum oscillates in a location where g9.80ms2 how many complete oscillations dopes this pendulum make in 6 minutes

What type of simple machine is a swing set?


Is a pendulum a simple machine?

There are no moving parts, therefore it is not a machine. A chair is an object.

Examples of simple machines?

Wrench,Nail clipper,Scissors,scale,pendulum,can opener,crowbar

What are two classic simple harmonic oscillators?

A simple harmonic oscillator is any system that when displaced from equilibrium wil satisfy the equation F=-kx Where F is the force (mass times acceleration), k is a constant, and x is the position of the oscillator. The classical example of a harmonic oscillator is the mass on a spring. When you displace the mass, the spring will cause the mass to oscillate back and forth in the direction of the string. In this case, k is the spring constant, a value that effectively tells you how stiff the spring is. The second classical example is the small angle pendulum. When you move the mass on the end of a pendulum by a small amount, gravity will pull it back towards the lowest point and create an infinite oscillation. The k in this example is equal to m*g/l where m is the mass of the end of the pendulum, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s²) and l is the length of the pendulum. In reality however, these systems rarely display simple harmonic motion. Due to the effects of air resistance, these systems are constantly being dampened and behave in a much more complex way. In addition, the pendulum case only works for small angles due to an approximation used in the derivation of the formula. Anything more than about 10 degrees and the equation will soon stop describing the actual motion.

Related questions

If the period of simple pendulum is halved its time period will become. What?

If the period of a simple pendulum is halved, its time period will become half of the original period. This means that it will complete one full swing in half the time it originally took.

What will be the effect of time period of a simple pendulum if its mass is doubled and its amplitude is halved?

The time period of a simple pendulum is not affected by changes in amplitude. However, if the mass is doubled, the time period will increase because it is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity.

What will happen to length of a simple pendulum if its time period is doubled?

time period of simple pendulum is dirctly proportional to sqare root of length...

How does the period of a pendulum difference theoretically with length for simple pendulum?

The period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.

In simple pendulum if string is flexible then what is effect on time period?

multiply the length of the pendulum by 4, the period doubles. the period is proportional to the square of the pendulum length.

How do the parameters of a simple pendulum affect the period of a pendulum?

The period increases as the square root of the length.

What factors determine the time period of the simple pendulum?

The time period of a simple pendulum is determined by the length of the pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity, and the angle at which the pendulum is released. The formula for the time period of a simple pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the time period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

What would be the period of a pendulum with the length of 10 meters?

For a simple pendulum: Period = 6.3437 (rounded) seconds

What happens to the period of a simple pendulum if the pendulum length is doubled?

The period increases - by a factor of sqrt(2).

If length of simple pendulem increases constantly during osscillation then what is effct on time period?

If the length of a simple pendulum increases constantly during oscillation, the time period of the pendulum will also increase. This is because the time period of a simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length. Therefore, as the length increases, the time period will also increase.

How does the period of a simple pendulum depend on mass gravitational field strength length?

The period of a simple pendulum does not depend on the mass of the pendulum bob. The period does depend on the strength of the gravitational field (acceleration due to gravity) and on the length of the pendulum. A longer length will result in a longer period, while a stronger gravitational field will result in a shorter period.

What is the equation for the period of a simple pendulum?

The equation for the period (T) of a simple pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration due to gravity.