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The Binary number 1011 = 11

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16y ago

13. 1101 base 2 = 1*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 = 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 13.

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10012 is 910

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Q: What does the binary number 1011 translates to what decimal number?
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What is the binary code for B?

That depends what you mean by "B", and what you mean by "binary code" assuming that by "binary code", you actually mean a binary representation of it's ascii value, then the answer is 1000010. The ascii value of the character "B" is 66 in decimal, which is 1000010 is that value in binary. If on the other hand, you mean "what is the binary value of the hexidecimal number B?", then the answer is 1011.

How do you convert A B C in binary code?

A = 1010 b = 1011 c = 1100

Explain binary coded decimal?

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is a set of coding systems for storing decimal digits in binary code. There are several such codes, I will give examples of 3: straight BCD, XS3 BCD, and 2 of 5 BCD. Straight BCD uses the actual binary value of the decimal digit value: 0 = 0000 1 = 0001 2 = 0010 3 = 0011 4 = 0100 5 = 0101 6 = 0110 7 = 0111 8 = 1000 9 = 1001 XS3 BCD adds 3 to the binary value of the decimal digit value to make the code: 0 = 0011 1 = 0100 2 = 0101 3 = 0110 4 = 0111 5 = 1000 6 = 1001 7 = 1010 8 = 1011 9 = 1100 2 of 5 BCD uses a 5 bit code where only 2 bits can be on in a decimal digit's code: 0 = 00011 1 = 11000 2 = 10100 3 = 10010 4 = 10001 5 = 01100 6 = 01010 7 = 01001 8 = 00110 9 = 00101

What is 00001010.01100100.00000111.00010101 to decimal?

It's quite easy to convert binary into hexadecimal (hex) by grouping each 4 binary digits (bits) into a single binary hex digit: 0A 64 07 15 From there it's easier to convert into decimal in the head: 10 100 7 21 If you will be doing much in the way of programming computers, or working with TCP/IP networking, it is definitely a good idea to spend some time familiarising yourself with hexadecimal and converting between hex, binary and decimal. For reference, converting from binary to hex is done like this: 0000 = 0 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 0100 = 4 0101 = 5 0110 = 6 0111 = 7 1000 = 8 1001 = 9 1010 = A 1011 = B 1100 = C 1101 = D 1110 = E 1111 = F

How do you convert exe to binary?

An exe is machine code and machine code is written entirely in binary. No conversion is necessary. A hex-editor is the simplest way to view the binary code. The code will be shown in hexadecimal rather than binary, however this actually makes it much easier for humans to interpret the binary code because the conversion from hex to binary is so simple. Each hex digit represents a unique 4-bit binary pattern: 0x0 = 0000 0x1 = 0001 0x2 = 0010 0x3 = 0011 0x4 = 0100 0x5 = 0101 0x6 = 0110 0x7 = 0111 0x8 = 1000 0x9 = 1001 0xA = 1010 0xB = 1011 0xC = 1100 0xD = 1101 0xE= 1110 0xF = 1111 Thus the hex value 0x9A translates directly to the 8-bit binary value 10011010. That is, 8 binary digits reduce to just 2 hex digits and therefore makes it much easier for humans to interpret the binary value.