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Sidney Nguyen

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Q: What is conditional asymptotic notation?
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Peter D. Miller has written: 'Applied asymptotic analysis' -- subject(s): Asymptotic theory, Differential equations, Integral equations, Approximation theory, Asymptotic expansions

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Edward Thomas Copson has written: 'Asymptotic expansions' -- subject(s): Asymptotic expansions

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A curve may be both asymptotic and a line of curvature, in which case the curve is a line (such as the rulings of a ruled surface).

In mathematics what is asymptotic analysis?

In mathematics, an asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behaviour. The methodology has applications across science such as the analysis of algorithms.

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A graph of y against x has an asymptote if, its y value approaches some value k but never actually attains it. The value k is called its asymptotic value. These are often "infinities" when a denominator in the function approaches 0. For example, y = 1/(x-2) has an asymptotic value of minus infinity when x approaches 2 from below and an asymptotic value of + infinity from above. But the asymptotic value need not be infinite - they could be a "normal number. For example y = 3-x + 2.5 has an asymptotic value of 2.5. y is always greater than 2.5 and as x increases, it comes closer and closer to 2.5 but never actually attains that value.

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