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Q: Removing condition from the conditional asymptotic notation?
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ABS class notation TCM what does it mean?

Tailshaft Condition Monitoring (TCM) - This notation is assigned to vessels with tailshafts specifically arranged with oil-lubricated stern tube bearings, complying with the requirements of the ABS Guide for Classification Notation Tailshaft Condition Monitoring (TCM).

If you have 2 joint accounts with high balances - 1 with a 30 day late pymt - will removing yourself from them help your credit?

NO. The notation on your CR will remain, regardless.

What is the set builder notation for prime numbers?

Set builder notation for prime numbers would use a qualifying condition as follows. The set of all x's and y's that exist in Integers greater than 1, such that x/y is equal to x or 1.

Explain in your own words the different Asymptotic functions and notations.?

We often want to know a quantity only approximately and not necessarily exactly, just to compare with another quantity. And, in many situations, correct comparison may be possible even with approximate values of the quantities. The advantage of the possibility of correct comparisons through even approximate values may be much less than the times required to find exact values. We will introduce five approximation functions and their notations.The purpose of these asymptotic growth rate functions to be introduced, is to facilitate the recognition of essential character of a complexity function through some simpler functions delivered by these notations. For examples, a complexity function f(n) = 5004 n3 + 83 n2 + 19 n + 408, has essentially same behavior as that of g(n) = n3 as the problem size n becomes larger to larger. But g(n) = n3 is much more comprehensible and its value easier to compute than the function f(n)Enumerate the five well - known approximation functions and how these are pronounced1. The Notation O: Provides asymptotic upper bound for a given function. Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions each from the set of natural numbers or set of positive real numbers to positive real numbers.Then f(x) is said to be O (g(x)) (pronounced as big - oh of g of x) if there exists two positive integers / real number constants C and k such thatF(x) &le; C g(x) for all x &ge; k2. The &Omega; Notation: The &Omega; notation provides an asymptotic lower for a given function.Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions, each from the set of natural numbers or set of positive real numbers to positive real numbers.Then f(x) is said to be &Omega; (g(x)) (pronounced as big - omega of g of x) if there exists two positive integer / real number constants C and k such that f(x) &ge; C (g(x)) whenever x &ge; k3. The Notation : Provides simultaneously both asymptotic lower bound and asymptotic upper bound for a given function.Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions, each from the set of natural numbers or positive real numbers to positive real numbers. Then f(x) is said to be (g(x)) (pronounced as big - theta of g of x) if, there exists positive constants C1, C2 and k such that C2 g(x) &le; f(x) &le; C1g(x) for all x &ge; k.4. The Notation o: The asymptotic upper bound provided by big - oh notation may or may not be tight in the sense that if f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 + 1. Then for f(x) = O(x3), though there exists C and k such that f(x) &le; C(x3) for all x &ge; k yet there may also be some values for which the following equality also holdsf(x) = C(x3) for x &ge; k However, if we considerf(x) = O(x4)then there can not exits positive integer C such thatf(x) = C x4 for all x &ge; kThe case of f(x) = O(x4), provides an example for the notation of small - oh.The notation oLet f(x) and g(x) be two functions, each from the set of natural numbers or positive real numbers to positive real numbers.Further, let C > 0 be any number, then f(x) = o (g(x)) (pronounced as little oh of g of x) if there exists natural number k satisfyingf(x) < C g(x) for all x &ge; k &ge; 15. The Notation &omega;:Again the asymptotic lower bound &Omega; may or may not be tight. However, the asymptotic bound &omega; cannot be tight. The definition of &omega; is as follows;Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions each from the set of natural numbers or the set of positive real numbers to set of positive real numbers.FurtherLet C > 0 be any number, then f(x) = &omega; (g(x)) if there exists a positive integer k such that f(x) > C h(x) for all x &ge; k

How many significant figures does 108700 have?

There are 4 significant figures. This can be seen by writing the number in scientific notation: 108700 = 1.08700 x 10^5 = 1.087 x 10^5 Removing the two trailing zeros makes no difference to the value of the number in scientific notation, therefore they are not significant.

Who discovered sigma notation?

Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.

What is the for this problemgive the exponential notation and standard notation for 2x2x2x2x2?

The exponential notation and standard notation for 2x2x2x2x2 is:2532

How do you write 387 in standard notation?

387.Standard notation is our regular system of writing numbers. So, 387 is already in standard notation! Other kinds of notation include scientific notation and expanded notation.

What is the symbol and scientific notation of exa?

The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018

What influenced neumatic notation?

byzantine chant notation