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Science, especially physics; any engineering discipline; architecture; economics and finance; computer programming; statistics...

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Q: What subjects or majors can you do if you're good at math?
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What college majors are the least writing intensive?

Math, Engineering and the Hard Sciences(except biology lol), however, regardless of the major, you have to be good at some level of writing.

Is engineering tough if you are good at algebra?

Basically, any university study is tough. In the case of engineering, you need to learn lots of math and science. However, being good an algebra is a good sign. Of course you'll need to learn quite a bit more than high-school algebra, but knowing this algebra is an important basis - you'll need it to study engineering. Also, it is an indication that you might be good at other, similar, subjects (i.e., more advanced math).

How do you make a robot that does your homework?

First, you have to do your homework so that you can understand the important subjects, such as math, physics, metallurgy... then you should go on to computer science, and electronics where you can learn about micro-controllers, actuators, sensors, stepper motors, data communications and other related subjects. THEN, once you have a good understanding of computers, AND physics, you might be able to build a robot that can do your homework... but it all seems a little pointless by then.

Why is engineering school harder than any other university major?

It isn't really harder. It just has more math and science, and some people find those subjects hard ... whereas others might really enjoy those subjects. It really depends on your personal preferences and skills.

Is it easier for dyslexic people who are good at math to write reports or essays?


Related questions

What subjects or majors can you do if you are good at math and enjoy math?

Engineering is a profitable career that mathematicians enjoy. There are many fields that rely on math, though. A high level insurance position called an actuary requires a lot of math. Many people who get into programming of computers are good at math.

What other majors or subjects can you do if you are good at math besides economics?

You might consider architecture, computer science, or just about any career that has "engineering" as part of its name.

What majors can you do if you are good at math but bad at essay writing?

Math is good for science and engineering of any type.

What university majors are for people who are good at math but bad at essays?

Pick a math major.

What is a good minor for math majors?

physics or comp-sci

What majors suit you if you are good at math but bad at accounting finance and computer programming?

It would be better if you make up your mind what you are good at, not just what you are NOT good at. Anyway, there are LOTS of areas which don't require much in any of the subjects you mentioned.

What college majors are best suited for people who are good at math?

Maybe a math teacher, mathematician, or a math (mad) scientist!Get it?

What university majors are good if you are good at and enjoy math?

You might like to do some engineering study.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at programming and writing papers and essays you will fail engineering?

In my opinion, it is not TRUE. Engineering courses have more Math subjects than English or Communication subjects. So if you're good in Math, you will be a good engineer someday.

What majors can you do if you're good at math but not at biology and programming?

Lots, biology and programming are not a necessity

Is spelling good for learning math and other subjects in school?

other subjects in school dumbo

How brainy are math majors?

Math major are very intelligent and brainy compared to liberal art majors.