The series:
Sn+1 = Sn + Sum of the digits of Sn with S0 = 11
Each term is being divided by 8 to obtain the next. 512/8=64, 64/8=8, 8/8=1, so the next term is 1/8.
tn = t1+(n-1)d -- for arithmetic tn = t1rn-1 -- for geometric
1, 10, 3, 9, 5, 8, 7, ,7 ,9, 6 What is next weries? 11, 5 10 5 10 4 11 6 Which one?
The next size larger from a number 6 size screw.
In a Fibonacci sequence, sum of two successive terms gives the third term.... here is the Fibonacci sequence: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144........ General formula to generate a Fibonacci sequence is """Fn= Fn-1 + Fn-2""" To check whether a number is Fibonacci or not follow the following steps: 1) Get the number as input from user. 2) Fix the first two numbers of sequence as 0 and 1. 3) put a sentinel loop with upper limit being the input number. 4)in the body of loop generate the next number in sequence in each iteration and continue swapping the values as follows: a=0 b=1 next=a+b while (next< input) a=b b=next next=a+b wend 5) lastly when program exits the loop compare the last number of sequence with the input number if they are equal then number is Fibonacci otherwise not. otherwise the last term of sequence will be less than the input number.
One number does not make a sequence (nor a series).
11 comes next.
The number 7 comes next.
There is no series of number: just one very large number!
It is: 4554
A single number cannot define a sequence, even less a series.
The next number is the sequence 236175969, 48, 12 is 236175861.
The series seems to be "add 3," so the next number in the series would be 12 followed by 15.