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That's not necessarily true at all. It depends on the individual person. Some people find

programming harder than math. Some people find math harder than programming. Some

people find both programming and math to be pieces o' cake. Some people are afraid of

both programming and math, and so they find both to be hard. And some people have no

idea what programming or math is.

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Code is a language. You have to have a grasp of the language you are coding in as well as math.

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Q: Why is it that programming is harder than math?
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Does being good at math but bad at computer programming mean you are bad at science?


What are the differences between QBasic and FORTRAN Programming language?

PROGRAMMING is a process of developing computer program.While FOTRAN means formula translation which translate math formula into code in high level programming language.

What are the differences between mathematics and computer programming?

Mathematics can be used in coding (computer programming). I have done programming before and it is nothing like mathematics. Although coding languages can be used to solve mathematical equations, the makeup of it is not just math. It is based on math but is not completely reliant on it. For example, <DOCTYPE html> That is HTML coding *what makes up websites*. The amount of math used depends on the coding language. In application programming, there is more math used like: myFloat = 1.23 switchOn = True myFloat * jumpForce = myHeight That used more math in it. It depends on the language of coding. You're welcome. :D

How is object oriented programming language easier to use than procerdural programming language?

object oriented programing helps better modeling the world as we humans see it, while functional and procedural programming is for the mathematicians P.O.V. harder to maintain the code, and for me , harder to understand imperative(functional) code over side effect code(OOP) OOP is more intuitive by the grasp of the model to the mind, as it stands to help better model the mind, though most developers i have see so far, can really make a good simulation for the world in order for the code to be more coherent. OOP is Object Oriented Programming P.O.V is Point Of View

Why is engineering school harder than any other university major?

It isn't really harder. It just has more math and science, and some people find those subjects hard ... whereas others might really enjoy those subjects. It really depends on your personal preferences and skills.

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Do you suck at physics chemistry as well as engineering if you are good at math but bad at programming?

No, all the others are much more math-related than programming.

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academic math is more harder than applied or regular math.

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People's abilities differ. Some find math harder and some find reading harder. But reading is more basic--you need it just to get around in the world. And you have to be able to "read" (interpret written symbols) in order to do math. Some people find math harder, and some people find reading harder. It depends on whether you have a logical, mathematical sort of mind or an intuitive, imaginative sort of mind! i believe that reading is harder than math.

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Yes, math is more closely applicable to physics, chemistry, and engineering, than biology and programming are.

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Is social studies harder than math?

no, depending on how much you study in both of them

Do I need to be really good a math to figure out computer programming?

It helps to have a basic math education. Most programming does not require using math at all. The calculations a lot of the time built into the programming code and is done for you

Why do some people who are brilliant at mathematics do terribly in programming?

programming and mathematics have nothing to do with each other:) programming is all about automation, which can be a very complex process. it's got more to do with logistics than math:)

Is English harder than math?

For some people, yes, for some no.