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a snook which was caut in Ohio and was 300 plus pounds

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A 10 ft. black marlin weighing 1200 lbs.

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Q: What is the largest fish caught?
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What state is the largest freshwater fish from?

it is not in the US but the largest freshwater fish was a catfish caught in china

What is the largest fish caught in lake Lanier?

The largest fish caught in Lake Lanier is a 63-pound, 4-ounce striped bass. This record-breaking fish was caught by angler James Ricketson in 2010.

Who has caught the largest fish in the world?

A group of villagers in the Sahong Channal. It was the Giant Mekong Catfish. They say it is the largest fish in the world.

What is the largest fish ever caught on rod and reel?

The largest fish ever caught on rod and reel is a 2,664-pound great white shark caught off the coast of Australia in 1959 by angler Alf Dean.

How much did the largest fish caught in Indiana weigh?

65 lbs.

What state was the worlds largest fish caught on the snake river?


What is the biggest bass caught in IL?

The biggest bass ever to be caught in Illinois was the Grand Missouri River Bass. It was caught by William H. Cremontey in 1983. At the time, it was the largest fish to ever be caught in Illinois, and the largest of its kind to be caught in the Midwest.

What is the largest red fish ever caught?

The largest red fish species is the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as redfish. The largest recorded red drum caught on rod and reel weighed 94 pounds.

What is the Largest rod and reel caught shark?

I have seen 800 pound makos caught on a rod and reel. Trophy fish!!

What is the biggest fish that has been caught in Ireland?

A 1,056lb six gill shark has been caught of the coast of Co. Clare by a 70 year old man from Cuba. It has been stated that this is the largest fish caught in British and Irish waters.

One day peter caught 100 kg of fish The total weight of three largest fish was 35 kg and the three smallest fish was 25 kg How many fish did Peter catch all together?

Peter caught a total of 8 fish. The three largest fish weighed 35 kg, meaning the average weight of each large fish was about 11.67 kg. The three smallest fish weighed 25 kg, equating to an average weight of 8.33 kg per small fish. By adding the weights of the largest and smallest fish, we can find the total weight of all the fish caught, which is 60 kg. Since the total weight of the fish caught is 100 kg, the weight of the remaining two fish totals 40 kg. Those two fish each have an average weight of 20 kg.

What ocean produces the most fish?

The Pacific ocean produces the most fish as it is the largest ocean in the world. The Pacific ocean also boasts the most fish being caught in it.