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Area of a circle = pi*radius squared

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

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Q: What is the equation of the circle standard form?
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How do you write an equation in standard form of a circle with a center and radius?

The standard equation of a circle, with center in (a,b) and radius r, is: (x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2

What does each variable represent in standard form?

There are different standard forms for different things. There is a standard form for scientific notation. There is a standard form for the equation of a line, circle, ellipse, hyperbola and so on.

What is the standard form of an equation where the poin 3-6 is on a circle whose orgin is the center?


How is the Pythagorean theorem used to develop the equation of a circle in standard form?

The Pythagorean theorem is used to develop the equation of the circle. This is because a triangle can be drawn with the radius and any other adjacent line in the circle.

How do you Writing the Equation of a Circle in Standard Form?

(x - A)2 + (y - B)2 = R2 The center of the circle is the point (A, B) . The circle's radius is ' R '.

What is the standard form of an equation were the poin 3-6 is on a circle whose orgin is the center?

32+62=45 so the standard form is x2+y2=45

What is the equation of a circle in standard form if the radius is 3?

well you would times that by: R2=D*3.14(pie)=C

What is standard form linear equation's?

A standard form of a linear equation would be: ax + by = c

What is the standard equation?

There is no such thing as a standard equation. Furthermore, there are standard forms - all different - for the equation of a line, a circle, a plane, a parabola, an ellipse and so on. the question needs to be more specific.

What is the standard form of an equation?

The standard form of an equation is Ax + By = C. In this type of equation, x and y are variables while A, B, and C are integers.



When you make the circle bigger or smaller which number of the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin changes?

Standard equation for a circle centred at the origin is x2 + y2 = r2 where r is the radius of the circle. If you increase the size of the circle then the radius must increase, so r2 will be larger. eg a circle of radius 2 has the equation x2 + y2 = 4, if the radius increases to 3 then the equation becomes x2 + y2 = 9