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No, two dimensional shapes do not have faces

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Q: Do two dimensional shapes have faces?
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How many faces vertices edges does a rhombus?

A rhombus is a two dimensional figure while the concept of {faces, vertices and edges} is relevant to 3-dimensional shapes.

What is a 3 dimensional shapes with flat faces?

A polyhedron.

Are faces and bases the same on 3 dimensional shapes?

Bases are faces but faces are not necessarily bases.

Who shapes be defined as two-dimensional?

Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional. Nobody shapes can be defined as two-dimensional. All people are three dimensional.

Are three-dimensional shapes with faces consisting of polygons Answer?

No. A sphere is a three dimensional shape which has no polygonal faces. Similarly an ellipsoid, a torus, a paraboloid, hyperboloid etc are 3-D shapes with no polygonal faces.

What are shape vertices?

For two dimensional shapes, a vertex (plural vertices) is a point where two sides meet.For 3D shapes, a vertex is a point where three or more faces meet.

What does polyhedra mean?

They are closed 3-dimensional shapes with polygonal faces.

What is a three- dimensional shapes that rolls and slides and has 2 faces?

a cone

What three dimensional shapes has 4 triangular faces?

triangular pyramaid

How many faces has a rectangle?

A rectangle is a two-dimensional shape, so it doesn't have faces in the way that three dimensional shapes have. A rectangle has four edges and four corners.

Which shapes have how many vertices?

Any 2-dimensional shape has a vertex where two sides meet.Any 3-dimensional shape has a vertex where three or more faces meet.

What three dimensional shapes are polyhedrons?

A three dimensional shape bounded by plane (flat) faces is a polyhedron.