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no.out of it's 4 angles,2 are acute and the other 2 are obtuse.

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Q: Does a diamond shape have two right angles?
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What shape has two sets of parallel lines and all the sides are the equal and there are no right-angles?

That is a parallelogram; it could also be called a diamond shape.

What is a hexagon with two right angles?

It is a hexagon with two right angles: there is no special name for such a shape.

What shape have two right angles and two parallel sides?

A rectangle has two right angles and parcel sides

What shape has Two sets of parallel sides but no right angles?

A shape with parallel sides but no right angles is called a parallelogram

What are the angles of a diamond shape in degrees?

Assuming the diamond shape is like two equilateral triangles joined together at their bases. The top and bottom angles are 60o each, while the two side angles (where they join) are 120o each (60o+60o=120o).

What has 4 sides no right angles and two sets of parallel lines?

A trapezium, or diamond shape. Imagine you have a rectangle, and you push the top left corner to the right a little.

A 2D shape with 2 right angles and the other angles not right angles?

A cyclic kite. A kite is cyclic if it has only two right angles.

What shape has exactly two right angles?

A trapazoid

Is there a shape with 2 right angles and 2 acute angles?

Yes, a trapezoid can have two right angles and two acute angles. Its only requirement is that it has two parallel sides.

What is a shape that has two equal sides and four right angles?

A rectangle has two sets of two equal sides and four right angles.

What shape has no right angles with two parallel lines?

A Trapizoid.

Shape that has 2 right angles and 4 sides?

its impossible to have two right angles in a four sided figure without having the other two sides be right angles too