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A trapezium, or diamond shape. Imagine you have a rectangle, and you push the top left corner to the right a little.

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Q: What has 4 sides no right angles and two sets of parallel lines?
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What has 4 equal sides 2 pairs of parallel lines and 4 right angles?

A square has 4 equal sides, 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles.

What shape has 4 sides and 2 right angles and 1 pair of parallel sides?

A trapezoid has 4 sides, 2 right angles and 1 pair of parallel lines

What are the properties of rectangles?

Opp. sides & angles are equal.opp. sides are parallel each angle is 90

What is a polygon with 4 sides no right angles 2 parallel lines top and bottom and 2 lines on the sides that are perpendicular?


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A triangle has no parallel sides but in the form of a right angle triangle it has perpendicular lines that meet at right angles which is 90 degrees.

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How are a square and a rectangle alike?

four right angles four sides/edges two sets of parallel lines (ect, ect...)

What has four sides in all one pair of parallel lines two right angles?

A trapezoid has one pair of parallel side and can have two adjacent angles that are right.

What shape has four sides two right angles and one pair of parallel lines?

A right trapezium.

What is perpandictular lines how many parallel sides does a dimond have?

Perpendicular lines = lines which are at right angles (90 degrees) to each otherDiamond = 2 pairs of parallel lines

What shape has equal sides parallel sides and right angles and lines of symmetry?

square and rectangles are technicality squares

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