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A hexagon has six angles. If you mean does it have 90 degree angles, no, they are 120 assuming it's a regular hexagon.

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Q: Does a hexagon have 90 angles?
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What shape has obtuse angles triangle hexagon pentagon or square?

A hexagon or pentagon will have obtuse angles (greater than 90 degrees). A triangle has angles that are all less than 90 and a square has only 90.

How many right angles does a regular hexagon have?

None. A hexagon has eight angles all of which are 45 degrees. A right angle has 90 degrees.

How many acute angles are in a hexagon?

None. Though there can be ten if the hexagons are concave hexagons.

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A concave hexagon can have 6 perpendicular sides if you count the external angle of one. The angles would be 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 270

Are the angles in a hexagon less or more than right angles?

More- each angle is over 90 degrees.

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There are no perpendicular lines in a regular 6 sided hexagon.

How many parallel lines in a hexagon?

There are two parallel line segments in a hexagon. There are also four 90 degree angles that are perpendicular to one another.

Is a hexagon a convex figure?

It depends on what the angles are. If any of the angles have measurements greater than 180 degrees, it is concave. If all angles are less than 180 degrees, then it is concave. For example, a regular hexagon has six 120 degree angles, so it is convex. If there was a hexagon with five 90 degree angles and one 270 degree angle, it would be concave.

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A hexagon has no right angles.

Does a hexagon have interior angles?

yes a hexagon does have interior angles......

How can you tell using the corner of a sheet that a hexagon has obtuse angles?

The corner of a normal sheet of paper is 90 degrees. So an angle of the hexagon is obtuse if you can put the corner of the sheet on a vertex of the hexagon and the angle of the hexagon is bigger.

How many right angels on a hexagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides ans 6 angles. It has 0 right angles. * * * * * The above answer is not true. A hexagon can have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 right angles. If you doubt the last, consider ___ |..|___ |_____| Admittedly, one of the interior angles is 270 degrees, but the associated exterior angle is 90 deg.