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Q: Does every point from a field have to be included onto a contour line?
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Is it true that every point on a contour line is at a different elevation?

No. Every point on a contour line has the same elevation.

Every point on a contour line is at a different elevation?

Every point on a given contour line is at the same elevation. Neighboring contour lines are at different elevations.

How can you undo the changes made by polygonal lasso tool in photoshop?

While working with Polygonal Lasso Tool you will define contour for selection. Every time you click that will define point which will be connected with previous to create straight line. To Undo or delete last point defined press Delete or Backspace. You can delete only last point in contour but this does not mean that multiple contour points can not be deleted (only one, last point in defined contour can be deleted at time).

Why is the highest point of a hill represented by an x not a contour line?

Contour lines are spaced at a regular height above sea level - every 50 metres, for example. The highest point of a hill may be just above the highest contour line. Therefore a spot or summit height symbol may be used to mark the highest point on the map.

Can a contour line connect a point of 100 feet to a point with 110 feet?

No. Contour lines connect points of equal height.

Is a point outside a contour line higher or lower than the contour line?


Is a vanishing point used in contour drawings?

No, they are not.

What does a contour line marked at 50 meters mean?

A contour line marked at 50 meters indicates that every point along that line is 50 meters above or below sea level. It helps visualize the shape and elevation of the land on a topographic map.

Can a contour line on a topographic map connect to a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a point of 110 feet?

No. Contour lines connect points of the same elevation

To contour lines depicting a valley or draw are you or v-shaped what does the closed end of the contour line point to?

The point of the V is probably where there is a stream, river or wash.

What do v shaped contour lines indicate when they point donwhill when they point uphill?

When V-shaped contour lines point downhill, they indicate a valley or depression on the map. When they point uphill, they indicate a ridge or hill on the map.

Do contour lines point upstream or downstream?
