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A right-angled triangle may have 2 equal sides but only exhibits 1-fold rotational symmetry (ie it is not rotationally symmetric).

However, I believe that any polygon in which each side is parallel to the opposing side must be at least 2-fold rotationally symmetric (ie it is rotationally symmetric).

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Q: Does every polygon with at least 2 sides of equal length have rotational symmetry?
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What are facts about a rhombus?

A rhombus is a polygon. A rhombus is a 4 sided shape and an 'equilateral quadrilateral' (all sides are the same length). Opposite angles are equal in a rhombus. A rhombus can tessellate. A rhombus has two lines of symmetry, joining its opposite corners. A rhombus also has rotational symmetry. A kite is a rhombus, and has rotational symmetry of both 180 degrees as well as 360 degrees, A rhombus is not a regular polygon as all angles have to be congruent for it to be classed as regular.

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It depends on the type of triangle. A scalene triangle (no equal sides) has no rotational symmetry. An isosceles triangle (2 equal sides) has rotational symmetry order 2. An equilateral triangle (3 equal sides) has rotational symmetry order 3. The order of rotational symmetry is how many time a shape will fit over itself during one complete rotation.

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There are many shapes: Any regular polygon. An irregular polygon with an even number of sides in which the opposite sides and angles are equal. An irregular polygon with 3n sides where every third side is equal and every third angle is equal. and so on. A circle, ellipse, disc, oval

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No.For example, a hexagon with equal angles and sides of lengths a,b,a,b,a,b has rotational symmetry of order 3, but it has no reflection symmetry.No.For example, a hexagon with equal angles and sides of lengths a,b,a,b,a,b has rotational symmetry of order 3, but it has no reflection symmetry.No.For example, a hexagon with equal angles and sides of lengths a,b,a,b,a,b has rotational symmetry of order 3, but it has no reflection symmetry.No.For example, a hexagon with equal angles and sides of lengths a,b,a,b,a,b has rotational symmetry of order 3, but it has no reflection symmetry.

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3- If an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides, it also has 3 orders of rotational symmetry.

What are the properties of a regular polygon?

A regular polygon has several properties: All sides are equal in length. All angles are equal in measure. The sum of the interior angles is (n-2)180 degrees, where n is the number of sides. The sum of the exterior angles is 360 degrees. The diagonals, which are line segments connecting non-adjacent vertices, are congruent in length. The polygon has rotational symmetry, which means it can be rotated by a certain angle around its center to coincide with its original position.

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A polygon with sides of equal length and equal angles is termed a regular polygon.

What are the polygons which having two rotational symmetry?

Any polygon with 2n sides where the sides j and j+n are equal as are the corresponding angles. For example, a hexagon (n = 3) with side 1 = side 4, side 2 = side 5 and side 3 = side 6 and similarly with angles, will have rotational symmetry of order 2.

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A regular polygon has equal sides in length and angles.

A polygon with sides of equal length is called?

A regular polygon.