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A regular hexagon and 3 classes of convex hexagons, plus concave hexagons will tessellate.

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Q: How can a hexagon be translated into a tessellation?
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Related questions

Is a hexagon tessellates?

No, a hexagon is not a tessellation. Some hexagons can tessellate a plane, others will not.

Does a hexagon tesselate?

Yes they do. In fact the honeycomb that bees make is a natural tessellation of the hexagon.

Can a regular hexagon be used by itself to make a tessellation?


Can a regular hexagon be tessellated?

Yes. A regular tessellation can be created from either an equilateral triangle, a square, or a hexagon.

What shape will create a tessellation using only translations?

regular hexagon

What can be used to make a regular tessellation?

The only shapes which will make a regular tessellation are:an equilateral trianglea squarea regular hexagon.

What is one shape that would tessellate through a translation-based tessellation?


What is a tesellation?

Hexagonal tessellation is covering a plane surface with multiple copies of a hexagon.

What is one shape that would tessellate through a translation based tessellation?

A Hexagon

There are only 3 regular polygons which can make a regular tessellation?

Triangle, square, hexagon.

What can be used to create a regular tessellation?

Regular Hexagon, Square, and Equilateral Triangle. (Apex)

What is a hexagonal tesellation?

Hexagonal tessellation is covering a plane surface with multiple copies of a hexagon.