You plot the x value in conjuction to the y value. For example, if 6 is the x value and 6 is also the y-value you would find it on the x-values line and search for 6 on the y-values line and plot the point where the lines intersect. The coordinates or the point would be (6,6).
A world coordinate system is generally used by gorrilas or pandas in the middle east. A user-defined coordinate system only works for gypsies or pikey scum.
The other name for the rectangular coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system. You can remember it because cartography is the study of maps, which are generally rectangular.
If the reference points are not correct, the location of any coordinate will be incorrect.
Rene Descartes.
please tell the uses of co ordinate system
cartesian coordinate isn't a system. the graphs you put on the cartesian coordinate plane can be systems. these graphs can be anything you want them to be. and they are calculate different every time. the thing to remember about cartesian coordinate planes is the you plot the points of (x,y)
The cartesian coordinate system is the basic coordinate system people are familiar with. If you were to plot a basic X Y graph, where X and Y increase towards infinity, you are graphing in the cartesian coordinate system. There are a few other popular coordinate systems for more advanced math, but they are rarely used by most people. (polar coordinate system is common for some calculus equations)
A coordinate is a dot that you put on an angle to determine it
It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it
A scatter graph, also known as a coordinate graph, a coordinate plot, or a scatter plot, is a graph with coordinates.
A coordinate grid is a grid that you plot points on. A coordinate grid is a 2-dimensional: system in which a location is described by its distance from two perpendicular lines called axes.
a coordinate system is lines of longuitude and latitude that are used in a map to locate something. There is a coordiante in the Equatorial Coordinate System that is like longitude in the Geographical Coordinate System.....what is the coordinate? Celestial Equator?
A Coordinate Graph is a graph which has a x and y axis for you to plot
The most obvious is to plot relationships between one quantity and another. If for every thing you sell, you make 3 dollars, then you could express that as the equation y=3x and plot that using the Cartesian coordinate system. (where y would represent dollars and x would represent items sold)
putting a dot
Cartesian coordinate system.
The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.