Since parallelograms are four sided figures where each pair of opposing sides are parallel, and squares are four sided figures with all sides and angels congruent, then anything which is a square must also be a parallelogram. The statement is therefore false.
A four sided polygon with four congruent sides is a rhombusA square.
A quadrilateral is the general term for figures with four sides. A kite, rhombus, trapezoid are all examples of quadrilaterals which need not have any right angles. (A rhombus cannot have any)
All four-sided figures are quadrilaterals.
There are many four sided figures that are named some are:squarerectangletrapezoidparallelogramrhombkiteAll of these are called quadrilaterals
Four sided figures are quadrilaterals such as a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, a kite .... etc
There exists at least one quadrilateral which is not 4-sided.
a rhombus has four sides that are congruent
They can be. * * * * * No, they cannot be. A parallelogram is a term used for four sided figures.
Four sided figures are called quadrilaterals. They are usually squares, rectangles, trapizoids, etc..
Four-sided figures are called quadrilaterals. They can be parallelograms, but do not have to be. They can be: square rhombus parallelogram quadrangle rhomboid rectangle oblong kite trapezium trapezoid