You can't find the exact area of of most shapes with a grid, but you can get a pretty good approximation with the following method:
1) Count the number of squares completely inside the shape. Let's call this number X.
2) Count the number of squares that are partially inside the shape (squares with the shape's outline passing through them). We'll call this number Y.
3) A = X + 0.5Y
The answer is in squares, so you need to know the grid spacing if you want to convert to inches or something. Remember, this isn't exact. The smaller the squares, the better the results.
If you need to be really accurate, try the following:
4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 for a bunch of different grid sizes (e.g. 1", 0.5", 0.25". 0.125", etc.).
5) Graph the results from step 4 as Area vs. Grid Size.
6) Draw an approximate curve through the points you graphed, and estimate the asymptote as Grid Size approaches infinity. Carefully cut out the figure and mass it on a good balance. Cut out a square or rectangle of about the same size as the figure from the same grid paper and carefully mass it on the balance. You can then calculate the mass per grid square or mass per unit area. Divide the mass of the figure by mass per unit area and you have the area.
You multiply the height by the length.
a 4 figure grid refrence of old harry rock
The disadvantages of four figure grid references are 1 grid reference is 10 2 is 10 3 is 30 and 4 goes to 400..
The area of a 12 by 7 grid is 84.
depends on the map ................
Six figure grid reference can be find by first measuring eastings and than northings.
expkain how four figure grid references are used to find places on map
That's because "perimeter" means the distance around something - not the spaces inside. If you count squares inside a figure, you are finding the AREA, not the PERIMETER.
Count the number of grid squares which are entirely or almost entirely inside the figure = ACount the number of grid squares which are approximately half (or more) inside = B Estimated area = A + B/2.
The difference is that the 4 figure grid map is used for roughly the place that is located in the map while a 6 figure grid is used to find the exact location on the map. So when there's a need to find the exact location use the 6 figure grid instead of the 4 figure grid map.(:
We use a six figure grid reference because it is more detailed and it will be better if you want to find the exact position of a place.
You multiply the height by the length.
to be able to draw 4 figure grid reference
Area refers to a specific region or area on a map, while grid reference is a system of identifying locations on a map using a grid of horizontal and vertical lines. Grid reference provides a more precise way to pinpoint a location compared to just referring to an area.
A 6-figure grid reference is a system used to pinpoint a location on a map using 6 digits, with each pair of digits representing a more precise grid square. The first three digits indicate the easting (horizontal) coordinate and the last three digits indicate the northing (vertical) coordinate within that grid square.
its got to be by using the linear scale