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90 -y = complement

180 - y = supplement

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Q: How do you find the complement and supplement of angle y?
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If the supplement of angle Y is 75 then what is the measure of angle Y?

105 degrees

What is the measure of an angle whose supplement is three times its measure?

let x = measure of the mystery angle and y = measure of its supplement By definition of supplement, x+y = 180 since any angle and its supplement sum to a straight angle The problem gives us that 3x = y Substituting in 3x for y in the supplement equation gives us x + 3x = 180 4x = 180 x = 180/4 x = 45 Check our answer: The supplement of 45 degrees is 180 - 45 = 135. 45*3 = 135. Therefore, the answer is 45 degrees.

How do you find the side length of a triangle?

The most popular triangle used in construction, engineering and mathematics is the right triangle, which has a 90o angle at the base. We'll call your base "x", height "y" and diagonal (hypotenuse) "r".You can find these values using your calculator's trigonometric functions, or you can use the Pythagorean Theorem.Finding Values (Pythagorean Theorem):The Pythagorean Theorem is straightforward and states that, for a right triangle, r^2 = x^2 + y^2. We can use a little bit of algebra to find x, y and r.r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)r^2 = x^2 + y^2r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2); remove the ^2 from rx = sqrt(r^2 - y^2)r^2 = x^2 + y^2r^2 - y^2 = x^2; move y^2 to the left side of the equationsqrt(r^2 - y^2) = x; remove the ^2 from xy = sqrt(r^2 - x^2)r^2 = x^2 + y^2r^2 - x^2 = y^2; move x^2 to the left side of the equationsqrt(r^2 - x^2) = y; remove the ^2 from yFinding Values (Trigonometric Functions):Acquiring Ratios:cos(angle) = x/rsin(angle) = y/rtan(angle) = y/xAcquiring Angles:cos-1(x/r) = anglesin-1(y/r) = angletan-1(y/x) = angleThat looks confusing. What are cos, sin, tan, etc?They're functions. You give a function input and it outputs something else. How they do this is complicated and required calculus.x = cos(angle) * rcos(angle) = x/rcos(angle) * r = x; move r to the left side of the equationy = sin(angle) * rsin(angle) = y/rsin(angle) * r = y; move r to the left side of the equationx = 1 / (tan(angle)/y)tan(angle) = y/xtan(angle) / y = 1/x; move y to the left side of the equation1 / (tan(angle) / y) = x; flip the equationy = tan(angle) * xtan(angle) = y/xtan(angle) * x = y; move x to the left side of the equationr = 1 / (cos(angle)/x)cos(angle) = x/rcos(angle) / x = 1/r; move x to the left side of the equation1 / (cos(angle)/x) = r; flip the equationr = 1 / (sin(angle)/y)sin(angle) = y/rsin(angle) / y = 1/r; move y to the left side of the equation1 / (sin(angle)/y) = r; flip the equation

Angle abc is congruent to angle def Angle A is 22 degrees Angle D is 5y-3 degrees Find x y Given are the hypotenuse of 9 and 3x?


How do you find resultant of forces along sides of regular hexagon?

simply by finding the component y and x along these sides with an angle of 60 degree (notice the forces are outer the hexagon) then using the square root of the sum of the individual squared y and xand then to find the angle use tan@=(y/x)

Related questions

What is the measure of the angle whose complement is four ninths its supplement?

The measure of an angle whose complement is four ninths its supplement?æ is 18 degrees. It is calculated as follows: let y be the angle, its complement will be (90-y) degrees and its supplement will be (180-y)?æ degrees and?æ since it complement is?æ 4/9 its supplement; then?æ it is?æ?æ(90-y)= 4/9(180-y).?æ Hence, you will get 18 degrees when you solve the equation.

Find the measure of an angle such that the sum of the measures of its complement and its supplement is 150 degrees?

Very simple, let's mount a linear system: x=measure of the angle; y=supplement; z=complement: I:x+y= 180; II:x+z= 90; III: y+z= 150; Summing I with II we have: I+II: 2x+y+z= 270; III: y+z=150 Now, subtracting III from I+II we have a simple equation: 2x=120; >x= 60< So, the angle whose sum of the measures of its complements and supplement is 150, has 60 degrees.

If y equals 53 degrees what is the complement of y?

The complement of an angle is the degree which makes the angle add up to 90 degrees. Therefore: complement of y= 90-53 = 37.

If the supplement of angle Y is 75 then what is the measure of angle Y?

105 degrees

What is the measure of an angle whose supplement is three times its measure?

let x = measure of the mystery angle and y = measure of its supplement By definition of supplement, x+y = 180 since any angle and its supplement sum to a straight angle The problem gives us that 3x = y Substituting in 3x for y in the supplement equation gives us x + 3x = 180 4x = 180 x = 180/4 x = 45 Check our answer: The supplement of 45 degrees is 180 - 45 = 135. 45*3 = 135. Therefore, the answer is 45 degrees.

What is the measure of an angle whose measure is nine times its supplement?

Supplement of an angle measure x* be y*=(180-x*). Or x+y=180* for the problem x=9y => x+y = 9y+y=10y=180 => y=18* and x =172*

Find the measure of an angle that is 54 degree less than two times its supplement?

let x be the anglelet y be the supplementx = 2y - 54x + y = 1802y - 54 + y = 1803y = 234y = 78x = 180 - 78x = 102The measure of the angle is 102

What is a supplement of an angle whose measure is v degrees?

we know that a supplementary angles when sum up is equal to 180 degrees. we let y-be the supplementary angle of v therefore, v+y=180 then, y=180-v that will be now the supplementary of the angle v. -by:-kidz-

A supplement of an angle is four times as large as the angle find the measure of the angle?

You start with two equations y+x=90 and 4x+y=180 and y is the given angle So if you want to figure out what x is you have to substitute an equation for y. so it ends up being 4x+90-x=180 and then you solve for x add the x's and subtract 90 from both sides giving you 3x=90 and then x=30 But you want to get y so you plug it back into the equation y+x=90 So your answer will equal 60. I hope this helps :)

The measure of one angle is 38 degrees less than the measure of its supplement Find the measure of each angle?

x+y=180 y= x+38 x+(x+38)= 180 2x+38=180 -38 =-38 2x = 142 x= 71 plug it in equation 71+71+38= 180 angle 1 = 71 angle 2 = 109

What is the supplement of a 91 degree angle?

i have no idea. im doing y math homework righ t now. this is what its on Supplementary angle = 180 - the angle So supplementary to 91 = 180 - 91 = 89 degrees.

How do you find angles of a triangle with a given slopes?

Slope = Rise/Run = y/x 1. leg = rise = y 2. leg = run = x 3. hypotenuse = √(x^2 + y^2) tan (angle 1) = x/y angle 1 = arctan(x/y) tan (angle 2) = y/x angle 2 = arctan(y/x)