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The perimeter of a octagon is the sum of all its sides.

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Q: How do you find the perimeter of a regular octagon?
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How do you find the sides of an octagon with perimeter?

You say these things to yourself: -- "The perimeter is the distance all the way around the octagon." -- "The octagon has eight sides." -- "So, if it's a 'regular' octagon, then all the sides are the same length, and each side must be 1/8 of the perimeter." -- If it's not a 'regular' octagon, then it has some longer sides and some shorter ones, and the perimeter doesn't help me find the lengths of the sides.

How do you find the area of an octagon with the perimeter of 72 inches?

You cannot. The perimeter alone does not provide enough information unless the octagon is regular and there is no valid reason to assume that it is.

What is the perimeter of an octagon in millimeters?

If it's a regular octagon, the perimeter is 8 times the length of one side.

Octagon O is regular One of its sides has a length of 7 What is the perimeter of Octagon O?

The perimeter is 56.

A regular octagon has a perimeter of 40cm what is the length of one side?

If a regular octagon has a perimeter of 40cm, then each side is 5 cm.

Find the perimeter in a regular octagon with sides of 5.5?

8 sides x 5.5 = 44

What is the perimeter of a octagon with a side measuring 18 inches?

If the octagon is not regular, the perimeter could have any value greater than 18 inches. If it is regular, then the perimeter is 8*18 = 144 inches.

A regular octagon has a side length of 9 mm. What is the perimeter?

The perimeter is 72.

What is the perimeter of a regular octagon with a side length of a?

' 8a ' is.

What is the perimeter of a regular octagon with70 mile meters sides?

I'm not sure what mile metres are, but a regular octagon with a side of 70 whatevers will have a perimeter of 560 whatevers.

What is the perimeter of a regular octagon with sides of 7cm?

Perimeter = 8*7 = 56 cm