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Fill a flask to the brim with water. Put the flask in another container. Drop the paper clip gently into the flask. Some water will be displaced into the outer container. Measure the volume of this displaced water.

It might me more accurate to do this with several paper clips at a time and calculate the average volume.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a paperclip?
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Why cant you use a ruler to find the volume of a paperclip?

A ruler is used to measure length and does not account for the height or width of an object, which are necessary to calculate its volume. To find the volume of a paperclip, you need to measure its dimensions in three dimensions using a tool such as a caliper or by using a water displacement method.

Use the word volume in a sentence?

The volume of the box was greater then the volume of the paperclip.

What is the metric unit of measuring the volume of a paperclip?

A millilitre.

How can you calculate the volume of a paperclip?

Many different ways, but there are such things as volume scales. They are sold in some stores but don't get your hopes up. They're rare, but if you're lucky you'll find one.

What does a magnet do to a paperclip?

A paperclip attracts a magnet ,a magnet attracts a paperclip.

Is a paperclip a rock or a mineral?

a paperclip is a mineral.

Who in invented the paperclip?

Samuel Fay invented the first paperclip.

Is a paperclip a element or a compound?

a paperclip is an iron utensil,which is a element!

How is it that a boat floats and a paperclip sinks when the paperclip has less mass?

the boat has its mass spread out evenly while a paperclip is like twisted

How do you get a paperclip out of a glass using a magnet?

you put the magnet by the paperclip and it goes up

What is a length of a paperclip?

A paperclip ranges between 1-2 inches in length.

Is a paperclip magnetic?

it can be if u magnitize it by rubing a magnet in one way on the paperclip.