250 yards long by 125 yards wide is 31,250 square yards or 6.46 acres.
0.3615702479338843 acres
3,200 acres.
The answer depends on the units used for the two measurements: feet, yards, metres, miles?
This would be just under 100 acres (99.3939 acres to be exact).
30.55 square yards.
It equals 10 acres.
One acre is 43,560 square feet or 4840 square yards. The conversion would be 2.89 acres.
60,000 square yards (Almost 12.4 acres.)
120 yards long by 53 yards wide equals a rectangular area of 6360 square yards.
A square mile is 3,097,600 square yards and one acre is 4840 square yards, so there are 640 acres (3,097,600/4840) in a square mile.
One acre is 43,560 square feet or 4840 square yards. The conversion would be 144 acres.
There's no way of knowing without knowing the shape. 400 acres is 1,936,000 square yards. A strip of land 2 yards wide and 968,000 yards long would be 400 acres (perimeter 1,936,004 yards) So would a tract 968 yards wide and 2000 yards long (perimeter 5936 yards) So would many others. A square would have 1391.4 yards a side, 5565.6 yards in total, roughly 3.2 miles
631' wide by 525' long is 7.6 acres.
We can't say definitively unless we know the shape. 0.11 acres = 532.4 square yards. That could be a strip of land one yard wide and 532 yards long. If it was a square, it would be about 23 yards on each side.
1.28 acres 1.28 acres
0.04 acres
0.3615702479338843 acres