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Q: How many feet does a fence have to be from the road way?
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How can you use the same linear feet of fence and get two different square footages by change the shape of the fence from a square to a rectangle?

The only way is to increase the height of the fence.

How many feet form middle of state highway to right of way on edge of road?

20 feet. from high tide.

MrGreen has a 35 by 70 foot rectangular garden He wants to fence the diagonal to divide the garden into two triangles About how many feet of fence does he need?

Bisecting the garden this way creates 2 right triangles. The diagonal fence is the hypotenuse of the right triangle, so it's length is calculated as such: 352+702=c2 1225+4900=6125 c2=6125 c=78.26237 Mr. green needs about 78 feet of fencing. Since he must round UP to compete the fence, he should purchase 79 feet.

Is 2 chainz two people?

I believe you are asking about a chain as a measure of distance. A chain is 100', there are 100 links in a chain. Road widths and rights of way are measured in rods. There are 16-1/2 feet in a rod. The reference to a King's road is a measure of right of way width. A King's road has a 66 feet wide right of way. In Colonial days any road leading to a mill or foundry was ruled a King's road.

About how many feet wide is a door way?

about 2 feet

A fence or something in the way?

A barrier

Can you ski on construction fence?

If it is your fence you can injure yourself any way you like; if its not your fence then you'll have to get permission before you injure yourself.

How wide are roads in Europe?

Are standard two way road in Britain is 12 feet. That's all I know.

When passing a vehicles on a 2 lane road way when do you return to the right side and at how many feet?

I return to the right lane after I see all of the car I passed in my rear veiw mirror.

How would missing to many days aeffect my education?

If you are not in school to learn the lessons you miss them and that will leave gaps in learning. Think of education like building a fence. With too many bricks missing your fence will fall down. Learning is the same way.

How effective is a electric fence for controlling dogs?

An electric fence does not prevent a dog from jumping over the fence. The only way to prevent a dog from actually jumping the fence is to build the fence high enough to keep the dog from being able to clear it when he jumps.

If you are running and there is a huge fence in your way what do you do?

Jump on it and climb!