Strictly speaking, none, since almost all biological specimens are asymmetrical at a detailed level. Every human being has an asymmetrical face, for example.
But an idealised lemon would have onle line of symmetry - along its long axis.
4 Lines of symmetry
There is no such thing as 8 lines of symmetry. A circle, for example, has infinitely many lines of symmetry.
It has 3 lines of symmetry
a cylinder has 29 lines of symmetry!
A nephroid has 2 lines of symmetry.
it has five lines of symmetry
10 lines of symmetry
4 Lines of symmetry
2 lines of symmetry
2 lines of symmetry
It has 2 lines of symmetry.
no lines of symmetry
5 lines
There is no such thing as 8 lines of symmetry. A circle, for example, has infinitely many lines of symmetry.
There are infinitely many lines of symmetry. Every line can be a line of symmetry for a suitable shape.