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Q: How many pitch symbols can be placed on the ledger line?
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Do two radii always make a diameter?

Only if they are placed in such a way as to make a straight line ,i.e., they should be placed at 180 degrees to each other.

What equation describes a line parallel to the graph of y2x-7?


Does a semi circle have rotational symmetry?

If the central point of the straight line is placed exactly on the middle, and such central point has an axis, it will have a rotational symmetry.

Which group of points are all on the line y -2x 1?

To clarify, since you you couldn't put in symbols: Which group of points are all on the line y=-2x+1? If we are graphing over the real numbers, then there are an infinite number of points: all the points on the line. We can say this mathematically as: "The set of all points (x,y) for which y=-2x+1"

What is the slope of the line with equation y 4x?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals".Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals".Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals".Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "equals".

Related questions

What is a ledger line?

A ledger line is a line on a musical stave that you insert when a note is written above or below the stave. For example, in the treble clef, a ledger line is seen when a note is written below middle C, or above the second A above middle C.

What does a ledger line do?

A ledger line note is located above or below the staff. A small line runs through or adjacent to the note. It is a note that is not on the stave, but placed on an extra line that is only wide enough for one note. So if you had middle C on a treble stave, it would be a ledger line note because it is put on an extra line. You can also have more than one line at a time, going up or down as far as you want (but it would be easier to put in 8ve signs).

What is ledger lines?

A short line placed above or below a staff to accommodate notes higher or lower than the range of the staff.

How do you read flute notes?

Flute is written in concert pitch, same as piano, and in treble clef. The note one ledger line below the staff is a C.

what It is the sol-fa syllable of the note placed on the ledger line below the staff?

sorry guys if i put a wrong sentence dont read the what just read the beggining in it

How do you read outer ledger lines piano?

The ledger lines are an extension of the staff. On the Treble Cleff, the highest line is the note "F". The space at the top of the Treble Cleff going up is the note "G". The next note up requires a ledger line, and is the note "A" Going up again brings us to the space above the first ledger line which is "B". In the Bass Cleff, you go down the scale starting a G as the lowest line on the Staff. Then "F" in the space below, and the "E" note gets the first ledger line below the Bass staff. The second ledger line below is the note "C" An easy way to remember it is the ledger line between both staffs is middle C. Middle C only has one ledger line. Above and below the staff, the C notes have 2 ledger lines.

What are the lines that extend the lower and upper ranges of the staff called?

bar line Sorry, bar lines separate music into repeating rhythmic patterns. The lines that extend the range of the staff are called ledger lines.

What is a line note?

A ledger line note is located above or below the staff. A small line runs through or adjacent to the note. It is a note that is not on the stave, but placed on an extra line that is only wide enough for one note. So if you had middle C on a treble stave, it would be a ledger line note because it is put on an extra line. You can also have more than one line at a time, going up or down as far as you want (but it would be easier to put in 8ve signs).

What are the pitches common in both treble and bass clef?

Middle C is one ledger line below treble and one ledger line above bass.

Where does the music middle C sit?

One ledger line below the treble clef staff, or one ledger line above the bass clef staff, or the middle line in alto clef, or the 4th line in tenor clef.

Where does the middle C in music sit?

One ledger line below the treble clef staff, or one ledger line above the bass clef staff, or the middle line in alto clef, or the 4th line in tenor clef.

A short line add for extending the range above or below the staff?

ledger line