One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
It varies by region, but generally there are around 20-30 bigha in one killa.
In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
There are approximately 3.05 bighas in 1.236 hectares.
One hectare is equal to approximately 2.47 acres.
100 dismil
563.519255654885797 dismil
One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
101.3 dismil
1 Bigha = 1,369 m2
Dismil is a unit of measuring land in Orissa, Bihar district in India 1 dismil = approx 435 sqft 100 dismil = 1 acre
There are about 3 bigha in an acre. This number will vary depending on the region that you are in.
It varies by region, but generally there are around 20-30 bigha in one killa.
1 guntas = 1089 sq. ft. 1 bigha = 14400 sq. ft. so 1guntas = 0.075626 bigha
Not sure about a dismil since that is a word I have never come across beofre.However, a decimal, as a measure of area is 435.6 sq ft.