One bigha is equal to 1.61875 dismil.
One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
In Uttar Pradesh, there are 5.3306 bigha in one hectare. This conversion rate may vary in other regions of India.
The total area of Killa Abdullah District is approximately 6,803 square kilometers.
There are approximately 3.05 bighas in 1.236 hectares.
How many gaj in one bigha
4 kanals in 1 bigha...
2468 m2 = 1 bigha
One bigha is equal to 1.61875 dismil.
1 Bigha = 1,369 m2
There are about 3 bigha in an acre. This number will vary depending on the region that you are in.
The number of squares that will fit in a bigha depends on the sizes of the squares. Furthermore, a bigha is not a standard size. For example, a bigha in Western Uttar Pradesh is almost 44 times as large as a bigha in Madhya Pradesh.
20 locha=5 katha; 5 katha= 1 bigha and so 100 locha= 1 bigha
One Hectare has precisely 15.4375Bighas
1 bigha = 3025 sq yards or gaj
It depends on the region and the unit of measurement used for a bigha. In some regions, one bigha is equivalent to roughly 0.63 acres, while in other regions it may vary. The number of things that can fit in a bigha would depend on the size of the object being measured.
1 guntas = 1089 sq. ft. 1 bigha = 14400 sq. ft. so 1guntas = 0.075626 bigha