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This calculation is simple geometry:

To figure the area for either the floor or ceiling surface, simply multiply the length of the room by the width (16' wide x 24' long = 384 square feet).

If you require the square footage of the wall surfaces, you turn your calculations vertically; that is, two walls measure (16' wide x 8' high = 128 square feet) each, and two walls measure (24'w x 8'h = 192 ft2) each. Notice the abbreviations in that last formula.

Added together, the total area of all four wallsis (128 x 2) + (192 x 2) = (256 + 384) = 640 ft2.

Add the wall total to the total area of the floor and ceiling to calculate the total area of all six surfaces in the room. That can be written as (384 x 2) + 640 = (768 + 640) = 1408 ft2.

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Q: If a room is 16 feet wide by 24 feet long with a ceiling height of 8 feet how do you convert to square feet?
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