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The angles could be 105 degrees and 75 degrees because they both add up to 180 degrees

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Q: If two angles are supplementary angles and one angle is 30 degree less than twice the other find the angles?
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What is the complementary angle of 140 degrees?

No angle can be complementary to a 140 degree angle, as the sum of complementary angles is 90 degrees. But angles which are supplementary to each other add together to form a 180 degree angle.

Can I see some Example of supplementary and complementary angles?

Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. Complimentary angles are two angles add up to 90 degrees. Kinda hard here to graph the angles, but: (1) Draw a 90 degree angle: The angle of any line drawn for the apex is a complemetary angle to the other. (2) Draw a straight line (180 deg): The angle of any line that meets the straight line is a supplementary angle to the other.

One angle of a parallelogram measures 10 degrees. What are the measures of the other three angles in the parallelogram?

If one angle is 10 degrees, its opposite angle is also 10 degrees. Since consecutive angles are supplementary, each pair of angles has to add up to 180 degrees so the other angles have to be 170 degrees. Therefore this parallelogram has two 10 degree angles and two 170 degree angles.

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If two angles are supplementary and one angle measures 130 degrees what is the measure of the other angle?

Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees. If one angle = 130 degrees the other must be 180 - 130 = 50 degrees

Supplementary angles if one of two supplementary angles is 35 larger than the other find the measure of the smaller angle?

180 - 35 = 145. Half of 145 is 72.5 which is the smaller angle. (The other angle is 35 + 72.5 ie 107.5)

Two angles are supplementary the larger angle measures to be 120 degrees?

When 2 or more angles add up to 180 degrees they are said to be supplementary. Supplementary angles only occur on straight lines, so if one angle is said to be 120 the other angle has to be 60 degrees in order to form a straight line and also to add the angles to 180 degrees

What is the measure of angle if 2 angles are supplentary and one angle is 176 degrees?

the other is 4 degrees. supplementary angles add to 180 degrees

If two angles are supplementary and one of them is 30 what is the measurement of the second angle?

The sum of 2 supplementary angles is 180o. If one is 30o, the other is 150o - 30o = 150o.

What is the difference between adjacent and supplementary angles?

Supplementary angles are two angles whose measures add to 180 degrees. Adjacent angles are two angles that happen to lie next to each other, so that they combine to form a larger angle whose measure is the sum of the measures of the adjacent angles. Angles may be both adjacent and supplementary, in which case they will form a straight angle.

Are obtuse angles supplementary?

A supplementary angle adds up to 180 degrees. It also needs two angles. The obtuse angle can be anywhere from 179 degrees to 91 degrees, aslong as the other angle together adds up to 180 degrees.

What does sumplementry angle mean?

Supplementary angles are two angles that add up to 180 degrees. In other words, if you have one angle measuring x degrees, its supplementary angle will measure 180 - x degrees.