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no,not every time but sometimes

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Q: The converse of a given statement is equivalent to the original statement?
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When you change the truth value of a given conditional statement?

by switching the truth values of the hypothesis and conclusion, it is called the contrapositive of the original statement. The contrapositive of a true conditional statement will also be true, while the contrapositive of a false conditional statement will also be false.

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An OR with one input inverted will be either "implication" or "converse implication" depending on your point of view. Given an OR with inputs "P" and "Q", You'd invert "P" to get implication. You'd invert "Q" to get converse implication. In prose converse implication would be "P OR NOT Q".

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What statement is correct i was provided the access i was given the access?

Neither.- Its 'I was given access.'

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